[U.S. Food
and Drug  Administration]


Food and Drug Administration
Office of Public Affairs
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857

This public calendar is issued by the Food and Drug Administration. It lists meetings held by the FDA policy makers with persons outside the executive branch of the Federal Government.

October 29 - November 4, 1999

FDA Official and Title Date and SiteOther FDA ParticipantsNon-FDA ParticipantsSubject
Jane E. Henney, M.D. Commissioner of Food and Drugs 11/2 Rockville, MD Joe Levitt/Janice Oliver, Bob Buchanan/Richard Whiting/Joanne Locke John Cady (NFPA), Manley Molpus, Stacy Zawel (GMA), Patrick Boyle/James Hodges (AMI), Linwood Tipton, Cary Frye, Intnl Dairy Foods/Gary Kuchner, Richard Silverman (Hogan & Hartson) Risk assessment
Jane E. Henney, M.D. Commissioner of Food and Drugs 11/2 Rockville, MD Wanda Russ Michael Maves, Consumer Healthcare Products Assoc. Courtesy visit
Jane E. Henney, M.D. Commissioner of Food and Drugs 11/4 Rockville, MD Linda Suydam, Bill Hubbard, Walter Batts, Margaret Porter, Catherine Copp, Joe Levitt, Alan Rulis, Vicky Wolfhard Jeff Wise & Patricia Kenworthy (Nat'l Trust Environment)/ Sharon Newsome (Physicians for Social Responsibility) and Ned Groth, Consumers Union Food contact substances
Jane E. Henney, M.D. Commissioner of Food and Drugs 11/4 Washington, DC Melinda Plaisier Rep Anna Eshoo & staff device program
Harlene Haffner, MD, MPH, Director, Office of Orphan Products Development 10/30-11/4 San Antonio, TX none Armed Forces District/American College of OB/GYN annual meeting
Kathryn C. Zoon, Ph.D, Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research 10/23- 11/5 Geneva, Switzerland none ECBS/WHO Attended meeting
Mark Elengold Deputy Director for Operations, Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research 11/1 Washington, DC none Pharma/Biotech Attended meeting

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November 8, 1999