imiiiiii MMERS OF NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS, THE REVIEW COMITTEE, CONSULTANTS, AND AD HOC ADVISORY CONKITTEE FOR THE REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT AND THE CONGRESS BERKE, Mark Review C- ittee Director Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center San Francisco, California BERRY, Leonidas H., M.D. Advisory Council Professor, Cook County Graduate School of Medicine, and Senior Attending Physician Michael Reese Hospital Chicago, Illinois BROWN, Ray E., L.H.D. Ad Hoc Advisory Director, Graduate Program in Committee Hospital Administration Duke University Medical Center Durham, North Carolina BUNNELL, K6vin P., Ed.D. Review Committee Associate Director Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education Boulder, Colorado BUNTING, Mary I., Ph.D. Advisory Council President Radcliffe College Cambridge, Massachusetts COHEN, Sidney B. Review Committee Management Consultant Adelphi, Maryland CROSBY, Edwin L., M.D. Consultant Executive Vice President and Director American Hospital Association Chicago, Illinois CUMMING, Gordon R. Advisory Committee* Administrator Sacramento County Hospital Sacramento, California *Former Member DEBAKEY, Michael E., M.D. Advisory Council Professor and Chairman Ad Hoc Advisory Department of Surgery Committee College of Medicine Baylor University Houston, Texas EVERIST, Bruce W., M.D. Advisory Council Green Clinic Ad Hoc Advisory Ruston, Louisiana Committee HOGNESS, John R., M.D. Advisory Council Dean, School of Medicine University of Washington Seattle, Washington HOWELL' James T., M.D. Advisory Council Executive Director Ad Hoc Advisory Henry Ford Hospital Committee Detroit, Michigan HURST, J. Willis, M.D. Advisory Council* Professor and Chairman Department of Medicine Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, Georgia JAMES, George, M.D. Review Committee Dean, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine Ad Hoc Advisory New York, New York Committee JONES, Boisfeuillet Ad Hoc Advisory Director Committee Emily and Ernest Woodruff Foundation Atlanta, Georgia KENNEY, Howard W., M.D. Review Committee Medical Director John A. Andrew Memorial Hospital Tuskegee, Alabama *Former Member w Committee KOWALEWSKI,'Edward J., M.D. Revie Chairman Board of Directors American Academy of General Practice Akron, Pennsylvania MILLER, George E., M.D. Review Committee Director, Office of Research in Medical Education College of Medicine University of Illinois Chicago, Illinois MILLIKAN, Clark H., M.b. Advisory Council Consultant in Neurology Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota MOORE, George E., M.D. Advisory Council Director Roswell Park Memorial Institute Buffalo, New York MORSE, Philip M., Ph.D. Consultant Director, Operations Research Massachusetts Institute -Of Tethnology Cambridge, Massachusetts ODEGAARD, Charles E., Ph.D. Ad Hoc Advisory President Committee University of Washington Seattle, Washington PASCASIO Anne, Ph.D. Review Committee Associate Research Professor University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania PEEPLES, William J., M.D. Advisory Council* Commissioner of Health State of Maryland Baltimore, Maryland *Former Member PELLEGRINO, Edmund D., M.D. Advisory Council Director of the Medical Center Ad Hoc Advisory Commit tee State University of New York Stony Brook, New York POPMA, Alfred M., M.D. Advisory Council Regional Director W,ICHE Regional Medical Program Boise, Idaho PROGER Samuel H., M.D. Consu tant President, Bingham Associate Fund Physician-in-Chief New England Medical Center Hospitals Boston, Massachusetts ROGERS,-David E., M.D. Review Committee Professor and Chairman Department of Medicine School of Medicine Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee RUHE, Carl Henry William, M.D. Review Committee Associate Secretary Ad Hoc Advisory American Medical Association Committee Chicago, Illinois SP@OLTZ Mack I., M.D. Advisory Council p State Health Commissioner State Department of Health Richmond, Virginia SLATER, Robert J., M.D. Advisory Coundil* Executive Director Consultant The Association for the Aid of Crippled Children New York, New York SLEETH, Clark K., M.D. Ad Hoc Advisory Dean, School of Medicine Committee West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia *Former Member STEWART. William H., M.D. Advisory Council Chairman. Surgeon General (ex-offici.0 member) Public Health Service Bethesda, Maryland THOMPSON, John D. Consultant Professor of Public Health and Director Program in Hospital Administration Yale University School of Public Health New Haven, Connecticut TRAEGER,, Cornelius, M.D. Advisory Council 799 Park Avenue New York,, New York TRUSSELL, Ray E., M.D. Ad Hoc Advisory Director Committee Columbia University School of Public Health and Administrative Medicine New York, New York WEISBROD,, Burton A., Ph.D. Ad Hoc Advisory Professor of Economics Committee University of Wisconsin Department of Economics Madison, Wisconsin WESTLAKE, Robert E., M.D. Ad Hoc Advisory Medical Arts Building Committee S racuse, New York y WHITE I Kerr L., M.D. Review Committee Director, Division of Medical Care and Hospitals School of Hygiene and Public Health Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland YLVISAKER, Paul N., Ph.D. Ad Hoc Advisory The Ford Foundation Committee New York, New York CONSULTANTS REPRESENTING NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCILS WITH RELATED INTERESTS *BAKER, A. B., M.D. National Institute of Professor and Director Neurological Diseases Division of Neurology and Blindness University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota COPELAND, Murray M., M.D. National Cancer@ Associate Director (Education) Institute M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute Houston, Texas DEMPSEY, Edward W., Ph.D. National Institute' of Chairman, Department of Anatomy GenerAl Medical Science College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University New York, New York *FARBER, Sid@e National Cancer ,y, M. D. Director of Research Institute Childrens Cancer Research Foundation Boston, Massachusetts HICKAM John B., M.D. National Heart Professor and Chairman Institute Department of Medicine Indiana University Medical Center Indianapolis, Indiana WALKER, A. Earl National Institute of Professor of Neurological Surgery Neurological Diseases The Johns Hopkins University and Blindness School of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland *Former Member