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Salmon and Trout in King County, Washington State

Salmon and Trout Topics

Salmon Recovery

salmon logo Environmental Indicators for Aquatic Biota New
Learn about the state of King County’s fish populations, key factors influencing them, King County actions and how you can help.

Final WRIA 7 Salmon Conservation Plan
Snohomish River Basin

Final WRIA 8 Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan
Cedar River, Sammamish, Lake Washington

Salmon Habitat Plan Implementation in the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9)
Learn what local governments and other partners are doing to protect and restore salmon habitat in the Green/Duwamish River and Central Puget Sound Watershed of southern King County.

WRIA 10 - Salmon Habitat Limiting Factors for the Puyallup River Basin
Outlines the loss of habitat in this basin -- which includes the White River drainage in south King County -- and appraises costs of preserving good habitat, restoring damaged habitat, and and other changes to enable self-sustaining salmon populations.

Puget Sound Partnership (external link)
Public/private group including King County, works to develop an aggressive plan to solve Puget Sound’s most vexing problems.

Draft Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan (external link)
Regional plan to recover threatened Puget Sound salmon stocks, submitted in June, 2005 to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

"We all have an awesome responsibility to share our talents, knowledge, and considerable resources to the benefit of our cherished salmon."

-Ron Sims

From Kings to Kokanee: Contributions Local Governments Can (Must) Make to Sustaining Salmon
Ron Sims' Speech at the American Fisheries Conference North Pacific International Chapter Annual Meeting, June 6, 2007.

2007 Salmon Homecoming Forum
King County Executive Ron Sims' Sept. 17 speech at Golden Gardens Bath House.

King County Climate Change Plan
How King County seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to projected climate change impacts, and embed mitigation and adaptation into county policy decisions. The plan incorporates issues, goals and actions related to salmon recovery and biodiversity.

Fish and Shellfish breakout session results, King County Climate Change Conference
Review a summary report describing anticipated affects of global warming on populations of fish and shellfish in Washington State with proposed adaptation strategies. Also, look up the fish and shellfish session agenda, presentations, and speaker credentials and biographies.

Road to Recovery Video - Tri-County Salmon Restoration
Video chronicle of progress and success in the work to protect and restore salmon runs in the three most populous counties of Washington State: King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties.

King County Endangered Species - Salmon Conservation and Recovery
This executive office site provides comprehensive information about King County's work to conserve and recover salmon and bull trout, what citizens can do to help, and background information that sheds light on the problem of threatened species. The site draws from all county agencies to provide considerable background information about the Endangered Species Act, chinook salmon, and bull trout in the form of reports, maps, pictures, graphics, fact sheets, and news.

King County Ecological Lands
Look up individual properties protected by King County as open space for their ecological values including salmonid habitat. The natural lands site also provides pictures, location maps and rules for public use.

Small Habitat Restoration Program
A King County group that restores and enhances stream and wetland habitat in small projects throughout the county. The program seeks your suggestions for good projects.

Guidelines for Bank Stabilization Projects
in the Riverine Environments of King County
Guidelines to help scientists and engineers enhance fish and wildlife habitat, reduce local stream velocities, increase the structural integrity and reduce the long-term maintenance costs of bank protection projects.
»See pictures of King County River Projects from our Boaters page.

Soils for Salmon
A project of the Washington Organic Recycling Council (WORC) designed to increase awareness of soil improvement as a means to support salmon and other species recovery. A goal of Soils for Salmon is for local governments to develop Best Management Practices that conserve native soils and improve disturbed soils.

Water Pollution Monitoring and Protection

Streams Monitoring Program
Keeping watch for pollution in King County streams.

Normative Flow Studies
Find out about this Water and Land Resources project that's designed to enhance our knowledge of how river and stream flows affect salmon survival and general ecosystem health for use in managing stormwater, flood hazards and water reuse.

Agricultural Drainage Assistance Program
Also known as the fish 'n ditch program, ADAP helps farmers manage agricultural runoff to keep fish bearing streams clean.

Final Report, East Hylebos Creek 2001 Monitoring Program
Results of water quality and habitat monitoring from 2001 in East Hylebos Creek.

2000 King County Water Quality Report (368 kb Acrobat file)
The report outlines the Department's work in water monitoring, water studies and water quality management programs and includes key findings from an opinion survey of County residents on water quality.

Go to the Stream bug Monitoring page Stream Bug Monitoring
We count on bugs to measure stream health. The bug page provides info about benthic macroinvertebrates including caddisflies, mayflies, stoneflies, and other aquatic creatures, and how these bugs are used to measure pollution levels, nutrients, and other factors of ecosystem health in King County streams.

Salmon and Trout Technical Reports

Salmon Viewing

Fall for Salmon Fall for Salmon
Look up places to get outside and see spawning salmon on local creeks and rivers, and browse a collection of ideas that folks can apply as individuals to help protect and conserve salmon.

Salmon Watcher Program
Learn how to identify salmon, look up maps of salmon sightings and find out how to volunteer to be a salmon watcher. Salmon Watchers survey streams for spawning salmon in the Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, Cedar River, and Puget Sound watersheds. Identification pages show pictures, drawings, and descriptions with spawning seasons for differnent salmon and trout species:

Cedar River Public Boating and Fishing Access
Find parks, ecological natural areas and boat ramps to access the river for swimming, fishing and boating. Includes lands managed by the City of Renton, King County and City of Seattle.

Salmon Quiz, Game and Slide Show

Interactive Salmon Quiz
Test your knowledge of salmon, their ecology, problems and conservation actions you can take to help preserve them.

Salmon Challenge
This page provides a link to the King County Kidsweb and the Salmon Challenge, an online game for young people. Learn what you can do to help King County's salmon by playing the Salmon Challenge game!

Northwest Salmon, Northwest People: explore the connections Northwest Salmon, Northwest People: explore the connections
Take a visual tour of the issues surrounding salmon recovery


Related Information

Related agencies


Keep the Green River Valley Green!
Tree Planting Oct. 11 & 18

Sept. 30, 2008
External article, Seattle Times
FEMA examines insurance plan for floodplains

Sept. 29, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
A building ban near rivers?
Feds call for moratorium in bid to protect salmon, orcas

Fall for Salmon 2008

Sept. 7, 2008
External opinion, Seattle P-I
Salmon homecoming: Our urban nature

It's Salmon SEEson - see spawning salmon
See Salmon this Season

Sign up for Salmon Watcher training

Aug. 12, 2008
Big chinook salmon return highlights need to continue watershed recovery efforts

Aug. 11, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
Inadequate policing puts state's water quality in jeopardy
Fees now fund less than half of staff necessary to monitor pollution

Aug. 9, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
Buildings given a role in saving Sound

Aug. 8, 2008
External article, Seattle Times
Pollution ruling could alter building practices in state

Aug. 5, 2008
Heavy lifting involved in King County habitat restoration project on Newaukum Creek

DNRP Performance Measures, King County, Washington Indicators for Aquatic Biota in King County, Washington

July 27, 2008
External opinion, Seattle Times
Water for fish and cities

July 13, 2008
External article, Seattle Times
Logging and landslides: What went wrong?

July 11, 2008
External opinion, Seattle P-I
Puget Sound: We're the polluters

July 11, 2008
County's dilemma: Cut trees or lose federal funds
Greenery on Washington levees must go, feds say

July 9, 2008
Benefiting fish, families and flood protection, Tolt River floodplain project gets under way

July 4, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
30,000 Atlantic salmon escape from a B.C. fish farm
Fewer than 400 of the fish were recovered

May 6, 2008
External opinion, Seattle Times
Protect wild-salmon strongholds

May 23, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
U.S., Canada agree to cuts in 2 major salmon fisheries
Pact hopes to end tailspin of wild Puget Sound chinook

May 23, 2008
External article, Seattle Times
U.S.-Canadian treaty could bring chinook home to spawn

May 23, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
Corrosive ocean water moving inland
Increased acidity wasn't expected for 100 years

May 6, 2008
Lake Sammamish salmon recovery to get boost
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service plans investigation of kokanee stock’s crash

April 28, 2008
External column, Seattle P-I
West's salmon fishery declared failure
Designation means economic assistance for three coastal states

April 28, 2008
External column, Seattle P-I
Salmon decline is a wake-up call

April 24, 2008
Public invited to tour Brightwater habitat restoration site on Saturday, May 10

Oct. 27, 2007
External opinion, Seattle Times
A building name fit for a King

View Salmon and Trout Archives