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Diseases & Conditions Results: 11-17 of 17 Web Pages
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New Medicines in Development  External Link

Information on new clinical trials and new developments in the Pharmaceutical industry.... Details >

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America  External Link

Over-the-Counter Drug Review Process

An interactive chart that provides an overview of CDER's over-the-counter drug review process, and how CDER determines the safety and effectiveness of OTC drug products. ... Details >

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Pharmaceuticals - Society for Women's Health Research  External Link

Some drugs, known as non-prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications, can be used safely and effectively without the supervision of a doctor. However, one should always talk to a doctor when ta... Details >

Society for Women's Health Research  External Link

Rx Access to Pharmaceuticals  External Link

For facilities providing direct care to medically underserved populations, one of the primary obstacles to comprehensive services is accessing affordable medications. The mission of the Association of... Details >

Association of Clinicians for the Underserved  External Link (Consumer Website)  External Link features complete, easy-to-read information on more than 800 drugs. It is based on ASHP's premier, unbiased drug information resources, which are developed independently by pharmaci... Details >

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists  External Link

Warning Letters and Notice of Violation Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies

These letters, sorted by month, are supplied by the CDER Freedom of Electronic Information Office. Some of the letters have been redacted or edited to remove confidential information.... Details >

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

What You Need to Know to Use Medicine Safely

The following consumer education materials can help you work with your health professionals to make the best medicine choices, buy safely, and use medicine so it's as safe and effective as possible.... Details >

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration