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Drought and Weather
 State and Regional Information


Alabama's Department of Agriculture and Industries is the primary agency for state drought programs. Alabama Drought Watch is provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Other USGS joint efforts with States can be found through the USGS Alabama Water Science Center.


Made available through the Arizona Department of Water Resources under Statewide Groundwater Management, Arizona's Conservation Requirements (PDF | 62 KB) document describes the "legal framework for conserving water" in the state. The Arizona Governor's Drought Task Force was established on Mar 20, 2003. Find more water resource conservation information for Arizona at the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service's Arizona State Headquarters.


California provides resources for Drought Assistance and Drought Preparedness through its Department of Water Resources.


The Colorado Water Conservation Board provides the resource, Office of Water Conservation and Drought Planning page. Also find the report, Severe Sustained Drought: Managing the Colorado River System in Times of Water Shortage, from the Severe Sustained Drought Study Team of the Colorado Water Resources Research Institute (CWRRI).


A State of Connecticut Drought Response resource is maintained by the Interagency Working Group on Drought Response.


Florida Drought Watch is a compiled list of links to available resources, including links to the five State water management districts. Other weather information, such as Drought and Fire Weather, is made available through the maintaining organization, the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management.


Drought in Georgia is a special information site from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.


Hawaii Drought Monitor is provided through the Commission on Water Resource Management, which is attached to the State of Hawaii's Department of Land and Natural Resources.


Idaho Drought Plan (PDF | 1.31 MB) and other Water Resources Planning resources are available through the Idaho Water Resource Board.


A Water Shortage Plan is cited by the Summary of State Drought Programs as a response and planning document from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water. Also, the Indiana Natural Resources Commission and the Indiana DNR make available the document section, Water Quantity, Water Management. The full document, A Synthesis of Major Topics in the Lake Michigan Coastal Area, was developed to "provide an important link to prioritizing solutions and identifying who is best equipped to implement those solutions."


The Kansas Water Office (KWO) provides a Kansas Drought Report (Aug 2004; PDF | 1,019 KB) throughout the summer and fall seasons. More information is available through Kansas Drought Watch.


Maintained by the Kentucky Water Resources Branch, the Drought Monitoring in Kentucky page provides links to state and national resources.


State of Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) supports the Drought Task Force. MEMA also provides the document, Hazards We Face: Drought, which defines and describes drought in Maine.


Maryland's Drought Emergency, from Maryland Department of the Environment, is in place to make current drought information accessible. Maryland Cooperative Extension provides links to resources about drought and drought mitigation through a Drought Responsibilities page.


USGS Drought Watch maintains Massachusetts and Rhode Island Drought Information.


Drought is maintained by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.


Drought Information contains links to the Missouri Drought Assessment Committee (DAC) and drought planning and monitoring resources.


Montana Drought Monitoring provided by the State of Montana "to support proactive drought management at the local level to protect the natural resources, economic base and lifestyles of Montana Citizens. This policy requires programs for drought monitoring, assessment, preparedness, mitigation and assistance."


Drought Central, contains links to drought-related Web sites and press releases, and "was built based on questions, comments and concerns voiced by Nebraskans who have contacted [their state government] during...past drought situations."


A summary of the State of Nevada Drought Plan, released in Jun 1999, contains a brief description and contact information.

New Hampshire

An overview of the New Hampshire Strategic Drought Mitigation Plan Overview can be found in the Flood, Drought, Extreme Heat and Wildfire section of the State of New Hampshire Natural Hazards Mitigation (409) Plan.

New Jersey

New Jersey Drought Information lists the New Jersey Drought Hotline telephone number and links to other state resources. New Jersey Water Supply Administration provides useful information through Drought Emergency: Hydrologic Conditions.

New Mexico

The mission of the New Mexico Drought Planning Team is "to develop a drought plan that focuses on assessing where the state is vulnerable to drought impact, what can be done to minimize the impact of a drought before it occurs, and plan adequate responses to drought impacts."

New York

Drought Facts is maintained by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Learn about the four stages of drought, drought regions and drought preparedness in New York State.

North Carolina

The North Carolina Drought Management Advisory Council, part of the Division of Water Resources, provides a list of Drought Contacts.


Maintained by the Ohio Division of Water Planning, a Source Development; Drought Response; Emergency Water Supplies, Planning page states that "drought response activities in Ohio are coordinated by the Ohio Emergency Management Agency (OEMA). The [Ohio] Division of Water supports the OEMA by providing planning assistance to communities in developing drought contingency plans, in assessing drought conditions, and in coordinating requests from communities for assistance in obtaining emergency water allocations."


Oklahoma Drought and Water Resource Monitoring provides information on drought-related topics, including fire danger and reservoir storage. Also find current and archived copies of the electronic version of Oklahoma Water Resources Bulletin and Summary of Current Conditions linked from the Drought & Water Resource Monitoring page. These resources are maintained by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board.


Oregon Water Resources Department offers Drought Publications and Products, including an emergency drought renewal form (PDF | 48 KB). USGS provides Drought Watch for Oregon. Also, Oregon offers Oregon Fire and Drought Information through its Department of Fish and Wildlife.


Pennsylvania Drought Information Center provides drought reports and drought status maps for Pennsylvania.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Statewide Planning Progam makes available the Rhode Island Drought Management Plan (State Guide Plan Element 724), which was developed by the Rhode Island Water Resources Board. And, USGS Drought Watch maintains Massachusetts and Rhode Island Drought Information.

South Carolina

South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Water Resources Division "serves as the primary agency to monitor drought conditions, or potential for drought, throughout the State and to coordinate the State's response." Find more information through the South Carolina Drought Information Center.

South Dakota

The South Dakota Governor's Drought Task Force was created to "closely monitor drought conditions and to implement proactive drought aid." Also, the 1993 Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science paper, A Comparison of Divisional Growing Season Drought Between Western and Southeastern South Dakota (PDF | 433 KB), examines the variability of drought periods across the State.


The director of the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) provides Drought - In Depth. The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science provides Drought Information.


In Texas Drought, Texas A&M University offers "information and alternatives that might reduce further losses to the beleaguered agricultural industry in Texas." Drought Resource Information Packet (Mar 29, 2000; PDF | 307 KB). by Texas Department of Agriculture, outlines available drought-relief resources, especially for Texas farmers.


Provided by the Utah Division of Water Resources, the Utah State Water Plan: Planning for the Future discusses some of the State's drought issues in its Variability of Water Supply section.


The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) maintains the Drought Report resource. Virginia's Drought Response Technical Advisory Committee provides "input regarding the development of a drought response plan" for Virginia. The Virginia Small Business Assistance Program provides Drought Information. Virginia DEQ also provides a Quick and Dirty Fact Sheet on Drought.


Washington State Department of Ecology, Water Resources Programs maintains the Washington Water Supply Information resource, containing current and monthly information. The USGS Washington Water Science Center describes Water Availability in the state.

Regional Climate Information Sources

Desert Research Institute
University and Community College System of Nevada.
"Pursues a program of basic and applied environmental research on a local, national, and international scale" specific to the desert region.

National and Regional Climate Centers work cooperatively with the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), state climate offices and among themselves to acquire and disseminate accurate, up-to-date climate data and information. [State Climate Offices can be found through a National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) resource page.]

SAHRA (Sustainability of Semi-Arid Hydrology and Riparian Areas)
University of Arizona.
"The vision of SAHRA is to develop an integrated, multidisciplinary understanding of the hydrology of semi-arid regions, and to build partnerships with a broad spectrum of stakeholders (both public agencies and private organizations) so that this understanding is effectively applied to the management of water resources and to the rational implementation of public policy."


Last Modified: Thursday, 04-Sep-2008 17:17:30 EDT

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