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OPA News Release: [08/14/2002]
Contact Name: Bob Zachariasiewicz
Phone Number: (202) 693-4686

Department of Labor Announces $3 Million Available for Grants to Strengthen International Labor Reporting

WASHINGTON – The Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) will award $3 million for up to three cooperative agreements to an organization or organizations to develop and implement projects to assist ILAB in international labor reporting.

In the 2002 appropriation, Congress directed ILAB “to build its permanent capacity to monitor and report regularly and in-depth to the Congress on the extent to which foreign countries with trade and investment agreements with the United States respect internationally recognized worker rights and promote core labor standards.”

Under the $3 million International Labor Reporting Program, the department will grant up to three awards. With these funds, ILAB is seeking innovative, reliable, and sustainable approaches to gathering valid and credible information and data on the extent to which foreign countries with trade and investment agreements with the United States effectively promote core labor standards. The standards are those embodied in the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and internationally recognized worker rights as currently required under U.S. law.

Applicants are encouraged to be creative in proposing innovative and cost-effective interventions that will have a demonstrable impact on gathering better quality and sustainable information at the global, regional or national levels. These grants will support ILAB’s monitoring work, which is designed to measure and understand what actual international labor standards and acceptable conditions of work are required by each country’s labor laws, what enforcement compliance mechanisms are used and progress on adherence to them. ILAB’s Office of Foreign Relations will administer the grants.

Complete information about each grant solicitation, including the application process, application form and deadlines, can be found in the August 13th issue of the Federal Register.

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