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Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park
Trail Conditions

Last updated 10/16/2008


Conditions listed on this page are the most current information the Wilderness Office has received from the field. This website will be updated once we receive new information. 


If you're watching this website for a specific trail and you've noticed no new information, it is simply because we have not heard anything from the field. If you call, the staff in the Wilderness Office will have no additional information.


Feel free to call us at 559-565-3766 if you recently returned from a trip and would like to report conditions for other visitors.


Northern Kings Canyon Park
Cedar Grove/Road's End
Grant Grove/Roaring River 

Foothills (Ash Mountain)/South Fork
Mineral King
East Side (Inyo National Forest)


Northern Kings Canyon

Evolution Valley/Basin As of 9/9 major streams still have ample water.Trails good condition.
Muir Pass No abnormal difficulties reported.
Le Conte Canyon/Dusy Basin/Palisades Creek As of 9/10: Water levels down in lakes, ample water in main streams.
Mather Pass No abnormal difficulties reported.
Bench Lake Area As of 9/10: Lake levels down, ample water in main streams.
Pinchot Pass No abnormal difficulties reported.

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Cedar Grove Trails

Lewis Creek/Kennedy Pass

As of August 11: The trail is passable if hikers keep their heads up. The switchbacks on the approach to Kennedy Pass trail are obscured from flash flood damage. Good route finding skills, map, and compass recommended. Not stock passable at this time.

Middle Fork Kings/Simpson Meadow/Tehipite

Due to the Tehipite Fire, the following trails are closed:

  • Sierra NF trail 29E30 (Blue Canyon Trail) from the intersection with 29E06 (Crown Valley Trail) to the national park boundary. The Blue Canyon Trail closures continues in Kings Canyon National Park until the trail terminus.
  • Sierra NF trail 29E45 (Tehipite Trail) from the intersection with 29E06 (Crown Valley Trail) to the national park boundary. This closure continues in Kings Canyon National Park from the boundary to Simpson Meadow.
  • Sierra NF trail 29E31 (Coyote Pass Trail) from the intersection with 29E06 (Crown Valley Trail) to end of trail at Mountain Meadow.

As of 10/16: sporadic smoky conditions in the area

Granite Lakes & vicinity

No abnormal difficulties reported.

Copper Creek No abnormal difficulties reported.
Woods Creek No abnormal difficulties reported.
Glen Pass Stock passable.
Kearsarge Pass Stock passable.
Bubbs Creek No major difficulties reported for stream crossings.
Forester Pass As of September 9: Favorable trail conditions reported. Stock passable.
Sphinx Creek Trail No abnormal difficulties reported.
Avalanche Pass Stock passable.

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Grant Grove/Roaring River

Sugarloaf Valley/Roaring River No abnormal conditions reported.
Colby Pass/Cloud Canyon No abnormal conditions reported.
Elizabeth Pass/Deadman Canyon As of August 13: Deadman Canyon and Elizabeth pass are stock passable.
JO Pass No abnormal conditions reported.
Seville/Ranger/Lost Lakes/Belle Canyon No abnormal conditions reported.
Redwood Canyon No abnormal conditions reported.

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Twin Lakes Trail No abnormal conditions reported.
Panther Gap/Alta Peak No abnormal conditions reported.
Pear Lake Trail

As of September 9: water is still available near campsites. The Watchtower Trail is open. 

High Sierra Trail/Kaweah Gap

As of September 20: High Sierra Trail between Bearpaw Meadow and Hamilton Lakes is not stock passable due to a large boulder on the trail. Repairs are scheduled for early season in 2009. No problems reported with trail or stream crossings. Ample water in major streams. As of Sept 27: No water will be available near the campsites at Bearpaw. The closest water sources will be Buck Creek to the west, Lone Pine Creek to the east, or the Kaweah River in River Valley to the south.

Lone Pine Creek/Tamarack Lake/Elizabeth Pass As of August 13: Stock passable.
Bearpaw to Blackrock Pass (via Redwood Meadow & Cliff Creek)

Blackrock Pass is stock passable.

As of 9/26: Water from the faucet is still running near the campsites at Redwood Meadow. This water is usually available until sometime in October.

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Ash Mountain/South Fork

Middle Fork Trail

Brush is slightly overgrown at the lower elevations. Watch for poison oak, ticks, and rattlesnakes.

As of 9/26: Water from the faucet is still running near the campsites at Redwood Meadow. This water is usually available until sometime in October.

Garfield Grove Trail Watch for poison oak, ticks, and rattlesnakes on the lower portion of the trail.
Ladybug Trail Trail begins to disappear after Whiskey Log Camp at 4 miles. Watch for poison oak, ticks, and rattlesnakes.

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Mineral King

Paradise Ridge Trail Unmaintained trail to Paradise Peak has fallen trees across the route.
Timber Gap Stock passable.
Glacier Pass Spring Lake thru Hands and Knees Pass on cross-country route  NOT recommended for average hiker.
Little Five/Big Five Lakes Stock Passable.
Blackrock Pass Stock passable.
Monarch Lakes/Sawtooth Pass

The metal food storage lockers at Monarch Lakes are broken and not usuable.

Please stay on established switchbacks on south side of Sawtooth Pass to avoid erosion.


Franklin Lakes/Franklin Pass

As of July 28: Franklin Pass is stock passable. Use caution at stream crossings.

Farewell Gap

No abnormal problems reported.

White Chief/Eagle Lake/Mosquito Lakes

No abnormal problems reported.

Atwell/Hockett/Tar Gap

Atwell Trail: Stock-passable.
Tar Gap and Hockett Plateau: Stock passable.

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Forester Pass As of September 9: Trail is reported in good condition and is stock passable.
Tyndall Area As of September 9: Creek crossings are unremarkable.
Crabtree Meadow/Whitney Area

As of September 9: Plenty of water in main creeks. Some seasonal springs have dried up. From Crabtree to Whitney, the last water is 1/2 mile east of Guitar Lake.

Rock Creek/Miter Basin No water available between Chicken Spring Lake and Rock Creek if following the Pacific Crest Trail. Carry enough water for this approximately 8.5 mile stretch. Alternatively, take the northern route to Rock Creek that crosses Army Creek.
Kern Canyon Creek crossings pose no extraordinary challenges. Ample water.
Coyote Pass/Lakes Pass The second trail junction south of Farewell Gap between Pistol Creek and Shotgun Creek is obscured by a fallen tree and is not signed. Take care NOT to unintentionally veer south down the Little Kern River drainage if you're headed to Coyote Pass.
Rattlesnake/Soda Creeks No abnormal conditions reported.
Big Arroyo/Nine Lakes Basin No abnormal conditions reported.
Kern-Kaweah/Colby Pass See above for description of Colby Pass.

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East Side (Inyo National Forest)

Bishop Pass

Rock slides continue to be active at the "rock glacier" on the eastern approach to Bishop Pass. Hikers should enter at their own risk and keep moving (i.e. do not stop for breaks) as they pass through the area. Expect such conditions throughout the year. As of August 11 no restrictions for stock but caution advised.

Taboose Pass No abnormal conditions reported.
Sawmill Pass No abnormal conditions reported.
Baxter Pass As of July 15 the road to Baxter Pass trailhead is closed due to heavy rain damage. Not expected to open this season. Call 760-873-2500 for updates. Trail update as of 7/23: A 3/4 mile section of the Baxter Pass trail approximately 1 1/2 miles from the trailhead in the fire area was washed out and is no longer a walkable trail. The rest of the trail in the flood area is still useable although not easy to tread. There is an increased potential for rockfall or burned trees to come down within the trail section 2-3 miles from the trailhead.
Kearsarge Pass No abnormal conditions reported.
Shepherd Pass No restrictions for stock. Reminder: Due to Bighorn sheep in the area no dogs or goats are allowed.
Mount Whitney Trail No abnormal conditions reported.
New Army Pass No abnormal conditions reported.
Army Pass No abnormal conditions reported.
Cottonwood Pass No abnormal conditions reported.

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New Army Pass
Photo by N. Ver
New Army Pass
Col. Charles Young in uniform  

Did You Know?
In 1903, an African-American served as superintendent of Sequoia National Park, the first to do so in the National Park Service. Colonel Charles Young and his troops played a major part in completing the first wagon road to the Giant Forest, and the Moro Rock Road. A sequoia tree was named for him.

Last Updated: October 16, 2008 at 18:13 EST