
Selected indicators of retirement resources among people aged 55–64: 1984, 1994, and 2004 is a report of the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics (Forum). This report was prepared by the Forum’s working group on retirement resources and reviewed by the Forum’s principal members which include Josefina Carbonell, Administration on Aging (AoA); Steven Cohen, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ); Thomas Nardone, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS); Howard Hogan, U.S. Census Bureau; Thomas Reilly, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS); Jean Lin Pao, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); Joseph Piacentini, Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA); William Sanders, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Edward Sondik, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Richard Suzman, National Institute on Aging (NIA); Steven Tingus, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), Department of Health and

Human Services (DHHS); Katherine K. Wallman, Office of Management and Budget (OMB); Daryl Kade, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA); Susan Grad, Social Security Administration (SSA); and Dat Tran, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

The following members of the Forum agencies reviewed the chartbook and provided valuable guidance and assistance: Frank Burns, AoA; Nancy Gordon, U.S. Census Bureau; Jennifer Madans, NCHS; Ruth Katz, ASPE; and Ray Vogel, VA.

The working group was chaired by Howard Iams, SSA and William Marton, ASPE. The report authors include Lionel Deang and Irena Dushi, SSA; John Drabek, ASPE; Karen Humes, U.S. Census Bureau; Elayne Heisler (until October 2006) and John Phillips, NIA; Emy Sok, BLS, and Kristen Robinson, Forum. In addition to the report authors, other active members of the Planning Committee who guided development of the report included Saadia Greenberg, AoA; David Kashihara and D.E.B. Potter, AHRQ; Kevin Kinsella, U.S. Census Bureau; Gerald Riley, CMS; Anja Decressin, EBSA; Kathy Sykes, EPA; Meena Bavan and Cheryl Levine, HUD; Ellen Kramarow and Julie Dawson Weeks, NCHS; Brian Harris-Kojetin (until May 2007) and Rochelle Wilkie Martinez, OMB; Ingrid Goldstrom and Lisa Park, SAMHSA; and Linda Bergofsky and Christine Elnitsky, VA.

Other staff members of Federal agencies who provided data and assistance include Amy Bernstein and Robin Cohen, NCHS; and Anne DeCesaro and Lynn Fisher, SSA.

The Forum is also indebted to the people outside the Federal government who contributed to this chartbook:
Kate McGonagle and David Weir, University of Michigan.

Member agencies of the Forum provided funds and valuable staff time to produce this report.

E3 Graphic Services, Inc. facilitated the design and production of the layout. Patricia L. Wilson, CDC/OCOO/MASO, managed the printing of the report.

Last Modified: 8/19/2008 3:36:15 PM
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