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Mental Health Services

Medicaid Programs, Authorities, and Guidance

No single source of public funding, including Medicaid, is sufficient in its amount or purpose to fully support effective community mental health services, but Medicaid can play a pivotal role. Within the Medicaid program, there are a variety of authorities and vehicles that may be used to achieve this purpose.
Medicaid Managed Care
Under new regulations published in the Federal Register on June 14, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 115), States have significant flexibility to decide how best to implement patient protections and use managed care in their Medicaid plans. This regulation builds on protections created under the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 and may be accessed by clicking on the "Federal Register" link  below.
Letters to State Medicaid Directors
These letters provide States with guidance and clarification on current information pertaining to Medicaid policy. The following letters are specifically related to mental health and may be accessed by clicking on the link below called "Letters to State Medicaid Directors"
• SMD040408 – Expanded Access to Home and Community-Based Services for the Elderly and Disabled (April 4, 2008)
•SMD091307 – Optional Self-Direction Personal Assistance Services (PAS) Program (September 13, 2007)
•SMD081507A – Peer Support Services (August 15, 2007)
•SMD060799b – Issues Related to Mental Health Services (June 7, 1999)
Medicaid Waivers and Demonstration
States may use different waiver and demonstration authorities to operate mental health programs that utilize managed care, home and community-based services, or other health care reform. For more information please click on the "Medicaid Waivers and Demonstrations" link below.
Medicaid Early and Periodic Screening and Diagnostic Treatment Benefit (EPSDT)
Under the EPSDT mandate, States are required to screen Medicaid-insured children for mental health and substance abuse disorders. States vary considerably in their policies, and most States have created their own screening tools. For more information, please click on the "Medicaid EPSDT" link below.



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Related Links Inside CMS

Letters to State Medicaid Directors

Medicaid Waivers and Demonstrations

Medicaid EPSDT
Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy

Federal Register


Page Last Modified: 08/27/2008 10:15:15 AM
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