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OMB No. 2010-0032
Expiration Date 01/10/2010
Performance Track Membership Renewal Application

Kodak Colorado Division
Eastman Kodak Company
Member since 2004


General Information

Mr. Eric Petersen
Environmental Engineer
Eastman Kodak Company aquired 100% ownership of Kodak Polychrome Graphics, a joint venture lithographic plate manufacturing operation co-located with Kodak Colorado Division. Upon Performance Track Membership renewal, this plate manufacturing operation will be included.

Commitment 1

Energy Use
Total (non-transportation) energy use
Energy reduction is a challenging objective in the manufacturing environment. To achieve this goal, KCD already has two projects underway that will achieve non-transportation energy reductions. First, KCD is replacing the ceramic media in one of the three regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) used on-site for air emissions abatement. Replacing this media will result in a decreased change in pressure (or delta P) across the bed, which will produce a noticeable decrease in the energy used to drive airflow by the main fan. The second major project involves combining a lithographic plate coating line and a finishing cut-to-length machine into a single unit. This second project will eliminate double handling of materials that are coated and then directly cut-to-length. In addition to these two projects currently underway, KCD process engineers will evaluate energy saving projects that have been previously identified against available budget constraints to determine the feasibility of further reductions. Some of the projects identified include:
1. HVAC changes in the finishing complex. This project will rearrange the configuration of certain elements involved in heating, cooling, and dehumidification.
2. Lighting improvements in the finishing complex. This project will replace certain lighting elements to reduce energy consumption.
3. Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Aeration/Mixer activity. This project will optimize the use of the aerators/mixers to reduce energy consumption yet provide the necessary performance in the treatment process.

Site Environmental personnel will be involved in tracking energy reductions against PTrack commitments and site management will be advised of current progress quarterly.
Reduce Total Energy Use
 2006 2009

WECC Rockies
288,084.46 273,680.24 

642,500 610,375 MMBtus 

642,500.00 610,375.00 

37,710.26 35,824.74 
 892,874.20 848,230.49 
 930,584.46 884,055.24 
 105,674.08 100,390.37 
105,674.08 100,390.37 

Normalized goal


Normalized by million square meters (MSM) of total product produced at the facility


Commitment 2

Non-hazardous waste generation
All measurements should represent the performance level for the indicator across the entire facility. For many indicators, however, you may choose to focus your commitment on a specific subset of the indicator, e.g. a specific material, a specific group of toxic air emissions, a particular waste component, a specific VOC, etc. All
KCD has made remarkable progress in reducing manufacturing waste and increasing the site landfill diversion rate. Prior to the divestiture, KCD achieved a landfill diversion rate of approximately 80%. Given the changes associated with the divestiture and the incorporation of Kodak Polychrome Graphics, it appears that the remaining KCD operations have also been achieving a diversion rate of approximately 80%. Following the divestiture, the contract with a third party recycler will be reviewed and renewed. KCD would like to drive this diversion rate above 80% by working with the recycler to review individual waste streams and evaluate the feasibility of recycling them. As new streams are identified for recycling, additional “shop-floor” training will take place to ensure that operators are aware of the changes in how those streams should be handled. Continuing manufacturing waste issues include the following:
1. Cores – Dense cardboard cores that end up in a compactor prove problematic in that compaction is not truly accomplished. KCD has been working to recycle these cores wherever possible, but cores with unused product wound on them cannot currently be recycled. This has been an ongoing issue and KCD will continue to work on an appropriate solution.
2. Off-spec Coated Product – Often on cores (as above) partial & full rolls of product that don’t meet quality standards currently have to be landfilled. Of course, the manufacturing goal is to reduce this stream but in the event that this material becomes waste a satisfactory recycling option needs to be available.

Site Environmental personnel will be involved in tracking waste reductions against PTrack commitments and site management will be advised of current progress quarterly.

In the table below, please enter your facility's amount of non-hazardous waste, broken down by waste management method. Please enter both the amounts that you manage currently and that you intend to manage in 2009. "Waste" is defined as all materials that are sent off-site that are neither product nor product packaging.
Combination of Both Strategies 
 2006 2009

Reused/recycled off-site 11,364,21611,468,526Pounds
Landfill 2,086,201 1,981,891Pounds

Normalized goal


Normalized by million square meters (MSM) of total product produced at the facility


Commitment 3

Water Use
Total water used

Water conservation and use reduction efforts have been ongoing at KCD and will continue following the recent divesture. Specific utility projects have been identified but, to date, have not been initiated. These projects and any new projects will be reviewed by both KCD and the 3rd party contract that operates the utility facilities on-site to determine the current feasibility. Manufacturing uses of water at KCD include not only direct incorporation into coatings but also steam generation, operation of multiple cooling towers, and multiple baths associated with lithographic plate manufacturing. The Graphic Communications Group in building C-60 conducts the manufacturing of lithographic plates and has specific projects underway to reduce water use within their operations. Additional opportunities for conservation arise in all aspects of water use at KCD will be considered for near-term reduction projects.

Site Environmental personnel will be involved in tracking water use reductions against PTrack commitments and site management will be advised of current progress quarterly.


2006 2009 
214,324,996 203,608,746 

Normalized goal


Normalized by million square meters (MSM) of total product produced at the facility


Commitment 4

Alternate Commitment
Currently, NPDES permitted dischargers are assigned permit limits at their discharge point(s) and very little information exists about the ambient water quality in the receiving water body. KCD and other dischargers to Segments 11,12, & 13 of the Cache la Poudre River have come together to form an ambient water quality-monitoring group. This group was formed in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) to monitor the ambient water quality of the receiving water body.
This is an important environmental issue because the ambient water quality of the river is the true measure of the effectiveness of established permit limits. This group will provide coordinated and accurate data about the water quality along 45 river miles year round, which will be available to members of the monitoring group, regulators, and the public.
KCD will actively monitor and fund the associated biological studies for 2.5 of the 9 currently established river assessment locations (sites). Each of these sites will be sampled at least 4 times per year for water quality, at least twice a year for benthic analysis, and at least once a year for fish. The water quality parameters evaluated and the associated testing methods will be reviewed annually with CDPHE. All ambient water quality results obtained by the group will be provided to regulators and the public through an intermediate database that will subsequently upload the data to the EPA database STORET.
The environmental benefits of this project will become evident as the water quality data is acquired and analyzed by the interested parties. State regulators will apply new or adjust existing effluent limitations in the event that the ambient water quality suggests that additional limitations are warranted. Beyond potential changes to discharger’s permits, the public will have access to the ambient water quality information as its obtained.
Participant’s AgreementJune 30, 2007Solidify group relationship and ensure continuity of programAnnual commitment to acquire and publish ambient water quality data
Data Sharing DefinedAugust 31, 2007Program in-place to act as a repository for data accessible by dischargers, regulators, and the general public.Ambient water quality data readily available.
Annual Participant’s Agreement RenewalMay 31, 2008Solidify group relationship and ensure continuity of the program.Annual commitment to acquire and publish ambient water quality data
Annual Review of Water Quality Parameters with CDPHEJuly 31, 2008Ensure that the data acquired is relevant to potential water quality concerns in the segmentsAccurate and Relevant water quality data will be available
Annual Participant’s Agreement RenewalMay 31, 2009Solidify group relationship and ensure continuity of the program.Annual commitment to acquire and publish ambient water quality data
Annual Review of Water Quality Parameters with CDPHEJuly 31, 2009Ensure that the data acquired is relevant to potential water quality concerns in the segmentsAccurate and Relevant water quality data will be available
City of Fort Collins (Committed)
South Fort Collins Sanitation District (Committed)
Boxelder Sanitation District (Committed)
Town of Windsor Sanitation District (Committed)
City of Greeley Sanitation District (Committed)
North Front Range Water Quality Planning Association (Collaborator, 208 Committee Subgroup)
Colorado State University (Collaborator, Conduct Fish and Benthic studies at each of the sampling loctions)
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment - Water Quality Control Division (Collaborator)

Section C Attachments (if applicable):

Section E: Self-Certification of Continued Program Participation

On behalf of Kodak Colorado Division, I certify that:

  • I have read and agree to the terms and conditions for Membership Renewal and Participation in the National Environmental Performance Track, as specified in the National Environmental Performance Track Program Guide and in the Renewal Application Instructions;

  • I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this Renewal Application. The information contained in this Renewal Application is, to the best of my knowledge and based on reasonable inquiry, true, accurate, and complete, and I have no reason to believe the facility would not meet all program requirements;

  • My facility has an environmental management system (EMS), as defined in the Performance Track EMS requirements, including systems to maintain compliance with all applicable Federal, State, tribal, and local environmental requirements in place at the facility, and the EMS will be maintained for the duration of the facility's participation in the program

  • My facility has conducted an objective assessment of its compliance with all Federal, State, tribal, and local environmental requirements, and the facility has corrected all identified instances of potential or actual noncompliance;

  • Based on the foregoing compliance assessment and subsequent corrective actions (if any were necessary), my facility is, to the best of my knowledge and based on reasonable inquiry, currently in compliance with applicable Federal, State, tribal, and local environmental requirements.

I agree that EPA's decision whether to accept participants into or remove them from the National Environmental Performance Track is wholly discretionary, and I waive any right that may exist under any law to challenge EPA's acceptance or removal decision.

I am the senior facility manager and fully authorized to execute this statement on behalf of the corporation or other legal entity whose facility is applying to this program.

Mr.  Robert K. Gray
Site Manager, Kodak Colorado Division
(970) 686-4121
Kodak Colorado Division
9952 Eastman Park Drive
Windsor, CO 80551-1590
9952 Eastman Park Drive
Windsor, CO80551

Environmental Requirements Checklist

Facility Identification Information

(A RCRA number is used in the RCRAInfo database for Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) programs).

(A TRI number is used in the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) for Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act).

(An AFS number is used in the AIRS Facility Subsystem of the Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) for Clean Air Act programs).

(A PCS/NPDES number is used in the Permit Compliance System (PCS) for Clean Water Act programs monitoring National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits).
CO0032158 – Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit, COG600373 – Minimal Discharge Permit, COR020116 - Heavy Industrial Storm Water Discharge Permit, COG380009 - Treated Water Discharge Permit

(A FIFRA number is given to facilities regulated by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)).

Air Characteristics






Subpart TT - Metal Coil Surface Coating


Printing & Publishing MACT (Subpart KK), Paper & Other Webs Coating MACT (Subpart JJJJ), Boiler MACT (Subpart DDDDD), Metal Coil Coating MACT (Subpart SSSS), Miscellaneous Coatings Manufacturing MACT (Subpart HHHHH), Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing MACT (Subpart FFFF), Organic Liquids Distribution MACT (Subpart EEEE), Wood Furniture Surface Coating MACT (Subpart JJ)

As a permitted facility in a delegated state, Kodak Colorado Division is subject to all the requirements of the Colorado SIP.



All of them in so far as the Colorado SIP determines Title V and APEN requirements for criteria pollutants in terms of attainment / non-attainment status with respect to NAAQS. Kodak Colorado is located in an attainment area for all criteria pollutants.


Water Characteristics







Separate parts of the facility are subject to 40 CFR Subchapter N Part 459 - Photographic PSC, and Part 414 - Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Synthetic Fibers


Hazardous Waste Characteristics






Environmental Clean-Up, Restoration, and Corrective Action Characteristics


Action Memorandum PRP Lead Notification for Non-Time Critical Removal, September 25, 2000




Other Environmental Characteristics







