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Kansas Administrative Regulations (KAR), Title 28, Article 16, Surface Water Quality Standards (PDF) (41 pp., 313 K)
(Effective June 23, 2008) Surface water quality standards for Kansas. Please note that EPA is disapproving the high flow exclusion found in K.A.R. 28-16-28c(c)(2), K.A.R. 28-16-28c(c)(2)(A), K.A.R. 28-16-28c(c)(2)(B), and K.A.R. 28-16-28c(c)(2)(C) and, therefore, these provisions are not effective for Clean Water Act purposes.
The corresponding provisions which are in effect for Clean Water Act Purposes can be found in Kansas Administrative Regulations (KAR), Title 28, Article 16, Surface Water Quality Standards (PDF) (89 pp., 203 K) (Effective November 3, 2003). See cover pages for more information.
Kansas Antidegradation Policy (PDF) (5 pp., 34 K)
(Effective June 23, 2008) Referenced in K.A.R. 28-16-28c(a).
Kansas Surface Water Quality Standards, Tables of Numeric Criteria (PDF) (17 pp., 319 K)
(Effective June 23, 2008) Referenced in K.A.R. 28-16-28e(d).
Kansas Surface Water Register (PDF) (229 K, 85 pp.)
(Effective August 13, 2008) Contains listing of classified waters in Kansas. Please note that the not all provisions are in effect for Clean Water Act purposes. Please see the document cover letter for more information.
The corresponding provisions which are in effect for Clean Water Act Purposes can be found in Kansas Surface Water Register (2002) (PDF) (193 K, 89 pp.) (Effective December 7, 2005). See cover pages for more information.
Kansas Implementation Procedures (PDF) (10 pp., 54 K)
(Effective June 23, 2008) This document specifies procedures for surface water classifications, designated uses, and criteria.
Kansas Statutes Annotated (KSA) 2002 Supp. 82a-2005 (PDF) (11 K)
(Effective August 4, 2003) This article addresses publication of attainability analysis protocols, review of use attainability analysis, and updating of Kansas Surface Water Register. Please note that only section 82(a)-2005(c) is a water quality standards provision for Clean Water Act purposes.
Senate Substitute for House Bill 2219 (PDF) (96 K)
(Effective November 3, 2003) This Bill repealed and amended KSA Supp. 82a-2001 and addresses classified stream segments relating to recreational use. Please note that 82a-2001(a)(1)(D)(ii) was disapproved by EPA and therefore not effective for Clean Water Act purposes.
Federal Regulations, 40 CFR 131.36
(Effective April 12, 2000) Toxics criteria for those states not complying with Clean Water Act section 303(c)(2)(B). This federal regulation establishes water quality criteria for certain toxic pollutants. The regulation is also known as the National Toxics Rule. The Code of Federal Regulations includes EPA's recent partial removal of Kansas from the National Toxics Rule for certain federally promulgated water quality criteria. For more information on this action see Federal Register 19659, April 12, 2000.
Federal Regulations, 40 CFR 131.34
(Effective August 6, 2003) Establishes a primary contact recreation use designation for 1,056 waters, an expected aquatic life use designation for one of these waters, and a secondary contact recreation use designation for 230 waters in the State of Kansas to replace the use designations for those waters that EPA disapproved in 1998.

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