Red Team/Blue Team Symposium - February 2008

Event Administrative Information


Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (Kossiakoff Center)
11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Laurel, MD 20723-6099

Conference Registration Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend the conference for any reason, you must cancel your registration through this website at least 5 days prior to the event. To cancel your registration, you must login using your account login and click on the "Cancel Conference Registration" link. This allows others that were placed on a waiting list the opportunity to attend the conference. If you DO NOT cancel your conference registration, you will automatically be placed on a waiting list for the next conference you plan to attend.

Attendee Check-in and Badge Pick-Up

Badge Requirement

Attendees are required to wear conference badges for all conference activities.

Dress Code

The dress code for the symposium is uniform of the day for military personnel and business casual attire for civilians. It is recommended that you bring a sweater or light jacket to the conference just in case the temperature in the rooms is cool.

Disability Access Information

This event is in full compliance of the "Americans with Disabilities" Act. Please contact Ruth Beltz at 410-854-7436 or for access information, as well as Auxiliary Aide.

Use of Fragrances

The Information Assurance Directorate (IAD) is committed to being a model employer. To this end, to be mindful of those whose sensitivity to fragrances may be heightened, we are encouraging participants at IAD-sponsored events to refrain from wearing, or reduce their use of, scented products.