X-Sender: sgreen@pop.chem.mtu.edu Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 16:37:46 -0400 To: eegle-kites@wings.glerl.noaa.gov From: sarah a green Subject: Draft Agenda: All Hands 2001 Cc: rick@skio.peachnet.edu, hclark@nsf.gov Status: RO Hello KITES and EEGLE, I have attached (and copied below) a straw All Hands agenda for August 20-23 (M-Th). Please comment! General themes and goals: 1. Present outlines of manuscripts to be submitted to the special issue. 2. For each ms, address these two questions: *(i) What information from group X could enhance this paper? *(ii) How might the results in this paper contribute to X? Where X includes: sediments, physics, biogeochemistry, ecology, optics/remote sensing, modeling 3. Allow ms authors time to meet and work together (lots of discussion time). 4. Begin overall synthesis: compare the two lake systems. 5. Discuss future research directions for Great Lakes. Let me know if I missed anything on the agenda. We plan to provide space for small groups to work intensively during the "work times". There is also a suggestion that we have some post-dinner sessions. Let me know how you feel about that. **** I am working from Brian's original list of special-issue manuscripts: please send updates if your parts have changed.*** best Sarah <>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>> Agenda Monday, 8/20 8:30 Welcome 9-11:30 10 minute presentations, first 10 ms. 11:30-1:30 Lunch 1:30-3:30 Open discussion/work time 3:30-6 Workgroups: Mix groups to address item 2 above. e.g.: Sediments+biogeochem physics + optics modeling + ecology Dinner together- social hour Tuesday, 8/21 8:30-10:30 10 minute presentations, next 10 ms. 10:30-1:30 discussion/work time + lunch 1:30-4 Workgroups: Remix groups to address #2 as above. Dinner Wednesday, 8/22 8:30-10:30 10 minute presentations, last 10 ms. 10:30-1:30 discussion/work time + lunch 1:30-2:30 EEGLE-KITES summary themes + reports from M-T work goups 3-5:30 EEGLE-KITES interlake comparison: assign people to present back-to-back summaries of each topic for each lake. Eg: sediments in LS/sediments in LM Dinner Thursday, 8/23 8:30-11:30 Continue interlake comparison 11:30-3 lunch + discussion/work time 3-5 Synthesis topics: KITES, EEGLE + comparison Dinner Sunset cruise on Ranger III Friday, 8/24 8:30-9:30 Finalize synthsis topics- select small groups to plan snth. proposals 10-11:30 Discuss future research directions for Great Lakes. 11:30 ajourn <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Dr. Sarah A. Green, Associate Professor Chemistry Department Michigan Technological University 1400 Townsend Drive Houghton, Michigan 49931 906/487-3419 lab: 487-2177 fax: 487-2061 KITES project Coordinator Director, Remote Sensing Institute http://chmac2.chem.mtu.edu/KITES/kites.html <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>