Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 08:03:28 -0500 To: eegle-pi@wings.glerl.noaa.gov From: Greg Lang Subject: New Landsat images for 4/4/1998 New Landsat images were added to the EEGLE data page today. They were submitted by Judy Wells. Here is the meta data file: --------------------------- 4/04/98 Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery of Southern Lake Michigan Initial processing of these Landsat Thematic Mapper images from April 4, 1998 show regions of high sediment concentrations along the margins of the lake and central basin in the false color composites. The swath of the satellite cut off much of the eastern basin and the next available band pass (16 days later) was cloud covered in the eastern basin. Additional processing of the imagery will be done to obtain temperature, chlorophyll and sediment maps. Simultaneous analyses of Sea-WiFS (Sea- viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor) and AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) imagery acquired on the same date will be done for comparison of the satellite-derived water quality parameters. --------------------------- On the data page, these images are named "LANDSAT Apr 1998", and can be found under: Data Type = Sat_Image Year = 1998 Parameter = LANDSAT Project No. = 2 Greg