From: David Schwab Subject: EEGLE Modeling Group Meeting To: Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 13:37:54 EDT Cc:,, Hi all! Here is a tentative agenda for our meeting on May 27. I believe everyone will be here in the morning, so let's plan on getting started at 8:30. I think Joe and Paul are both planning to drive from Wisconsin, so they may want to check about driving together. Keith and company will be here on Tuesday for another meeting, so if anyone wants to join us for dinner on Tuesday, let me know. We'll also plan on going out as a group on Wednesday evening too. As an unanticipated added bonus, there is a GLERL seminar on Wednesday at 2:00 on "Collaborative Virtual Environments: Framework for Oceanographers and Limnologists" by Cathy Lascara from CCPO at Old Dominion University. Let me know how you all feel about taking a break in our meeting to attend the seminar. Also let me know if you have any questions about travel or accommodations, or if you have any other agenda items. I look forward to seeing you all then. Sincerely, Dave Schwab ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agenda for EEGLE Modeling Group Meeting Wednesday, May 27, 1998 1. Status reports and plans - Roebber - Schwab and Beletsky - Bedford - Chen 2. Modeling strategy and logistics - Horizontal grid - 2km grid / other grids, including grid nesting - Vertical resolution - Process studies and idealized cases - LMMBS experience - Pre-EEGLE years, EEGLE years - Data assimilation - Linked model code development and support (name?) 3. Forcing functions - MAROBS - CCIW towers - Vesecky buoy - MM5 4. Comparison of model results with observations - Types of observed data - Appropriate model output for comparison 5. Model results and data archiving Questions to think about: - Which surface variables do we all need from Paul Roebber's MM5 runs? - What's the best way to handle vertical segmentation and bottom friction parameterization in the 3-d circulation model to accommodate ice dynamics, particle dynamics, and biology? - How are we going to characterize initial conditions and source function for the particle dynamics model? I think this will be relevant to the wave and ice interaction modeling efforts. - What grain size classes will be included in sediment and biological models? How will they interact with each other and with biology? - Interaction with KITES program? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just as a reminder, here is the report from our initial meeting in Milwaukee: MODELING WORKGROUP Participated: K.Bedford, D.Beletsky, C.Chen, J.Niebauer, P.Roebber, D.Schwab. Chair : D.Beletsky We discussed cooperation both within the modeling group and with other groups. Our goal is to create a linked hydrodynamic-sediment transport-biological model. The foundation of that model will be an existed Great Lakes version of the Princeton Ocean Model. Ice transport, sediment transport and biological models will be built as extentions of the existing code. This approach will allow us to not only develop independently new modules, but will also make it possible to shut off these modules for specific modeling activities in the future. We will add an option to use a different advection scheme to the existing central difference scheme which is known to produce excessive diffusion in areas of large spatial gradients. We will start with using 2 km rectangular bathymetric grid. We will consider the possibility of either using 1 km or finer horizontal resolution in the future, or using curvilinear orthogonal or non-orthogonal grids, or using the nested grid approach. Having a one year simulation as a goal, in the beginning of the program we will be running seasonal simulations only with the hydrodynamic model. Other models will be run only for selected episodes during 1992-97 and program field years. For these episodes we will also be experimenting with fine resolution (6 and 3 km) meteorological fields provided by the meteorological model MM5. The model will be run for that purpose in the hindcast mode with re-initialization every 12 hr. We also discussed how modeling can help in planning Lagrangian measurements, and shipboard surveys. In particular, adding Lake Michigan to the Great Lakes Forecasting System at OSU by 1998 will be useful in providing timing and spatial gradients for cruise planning. Currently, the hydrodynamic model is running experimentally on the 5 km grid, providing nowcasts and 36 hr forecasts every 6 hours. The 2-dimensional sediment transport model will be added to the system by 1998. In addition, Paul Roebber suggested the idea to issue a 'plume alert' warning aproximately 5 days in advance based on the propagation of major atmospheric systems into the area of interest. We will also be trying to develop estimates of resuspension potential based on the wave model results. Modeling can also help interpret observations by doing process studies and scenario testing. To fill gaps in observations, we will be using data assimilation techniques. We are planning to have a graduate student working exclusively on that problem. Finally, we started a discussion on how obtained Great Lakes experience can be transfered to other aquatic systems. In particular, we discussed the possibility of existence of nearshore-offshore transport similar to the two-gyre circulation transport in the East and West U.S. Coast environment. Studies of sensitivity of circulation to small-scale atmospheric variability will be important for coastal hydrodynamics in general. Another important novelty will be process studies with the linked sediment transport-biological model.