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Compliance and Enforcement Annual Results:
FY2006 Numbers at a Glance

FY2006 Annual Results Topics

Printable Numbers At a Glance (PDF) (61K, 2 pages, About PDF)

The following is a list of key results of compliance and enforcement activities in FY 2006.

Estimated Environmental Benefits of Enforcement Actions (Including Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs))
Pollutants reduced (pounds) 890,000,000
Contaminated soil cleaned (cubic yards) 15,000,000
Contaminated water clean (cubic yards) 1,300,000,000
Stream miles (linear feet) 109,000
Wetlands protected (acres) 5,600
People protected by Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) enforcement 7,600,000
Value of Complying Actions $4,900,000,000
Value of Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) $78,000,000
Cases with SEPs 220
Voluntary Disclosure Program
Pollutants reduced as a result of audits or other actions (pounds) 50,000
Facilities initiated 1,032
Companies initiated 541
Notices of Determination (NODs) 485
Facilities resolved 1,475
Companies resolved 551
Total Entities Reached by Compliance Assistance 878,000
Number of User Visits to Web-based Compliance Assistance Centers 1,879,000
EPA Administrative Compliance Orders (ACOs) 1,438
EPA Administrative Penalty Complaints (APCs) 4,647
EPA Civil Judicial Referrals 286
EPA Final Administrative Penalty Order (FAPO) Settlements 4,624
EPA Civil Judicial Conclusions 173
EPA Administrative Penalties $42,000,000
EPA Judicial Penalties $82,000,000
EPA Stipulated Penalties $10,000,000
Inspections/Evaluations 23,000
Civil Investigations 352
Number of Regulated Entities Taking Complying Actions during EPA Inspections/Evaluations 1,234
Number of Regulated Entities Receiving Assistance during EPA Inspections/Evaluations 11,161
Criminal Program
Environmental crime cases initiated 305
Defendants charged 278
Sentences (years) 154
Fines and restitution $43,000,000
Judicially mandated projects $29,000,000
Pollutant reductions (pounds) 17,000,000
Superfund Cleanup Enforcement
Remedial Action (RA) starts where settlement reached or enforcement action taken by the time of the RA start (during the FY) at non-federal Superfund sites that have known viable, liable parties (%) 100%
Private party commitments for future response work (including cashouts) $391,000,000
Private party commitments for past cost recovery 1 $164,000,000
Cost recovery statute of limitation cases addressed with total past greater than or equal to $200,000 (%) 100%

In FY 2006, the Office of Site Remediation Enforcement (OSRE) changed the reporting requirements for Consent Decrees (CD) to count only CDs that have been entered by the courts. In previous years, OSRE gave credit at the referred, lodged or entered stages. The amounts for FY2006 include CDs that were counted in previous years (at the referral or lodged stages).

Sources for Data displayed in this document: Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS), Criminal Case Reporting System, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation & Liability Information System (CERCLIS), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo), Air Facility System (AFS), Permit Compliance System (PCS), and National Compliance Data Base System (NCDB), October 28, 2006.

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