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Genetic Diseases

Diseases & Conditions Results: 11-20 of 49 Web Pages
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Find a Local Chapter: The Children's Tumor Foundation  External Link

This site helps you find local chapters and affiliated offices throughout the United States.... Details >

The Children's Tumor Foundation  External Link

Gaucher Disease  External Link

Gaucher Disease is the most common lipid-storage disorder, and is the most common genetic disease affecting Jewish people of Eastern European ancestry. Learn more about this disease by following the ... Details >

National Gaucher Foundation  External Link

Gaucher Disease Patient Support Programs  External Link

There is an e-mail discussion list dealing with several genetic diseases, of which Gaucher Disease is the most common. You can also find information on financial assistance programs.... Details >

National Gaucher Foundation  External Link

Genetic and Rare Conditions: Support Groups & Information Page  External Link

Professionals, educators, or individuals seeking information on genetic conditions or birth defects can use this directory to locate national and international organizations, or contact a genetic coun... Details >

Educational Institution--Follow the Resource URL for More Information

Genetic Testing for Fragile X  External Link

This site provides a list of indications for when a Genetic testing for Fragile X should be considered.... Details >

National Fragile X Foundation  External Link

Genetics and Neuromuscular Diseases   External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

This brochure describes just what a genetic disorder is, and explains how genetic testing and counseling can help people understand how disorders that may affect themselves or their children are inher... Details >

Muscular Dystrophy Association  External Link

Genetics Conditions  External Link

This site links to resources on genetic conditions, genetics education, and information for genetics professionals.... Details >

Ask the Geneticist  External Link

Hemochromatosis Fact Sheet: Health Information on Excess Iron and Iron Overload  External Link

Hemochromatosis is completely preventable. When diagnosis is in doubt, the patient should begin a trial of weekly phlebotomies at the blood bank. Four to six weeks will usually provide the answer. ... Details >

Iron Overload Diseases Association  External Link

Hyperaldosteronism: The Facts You Need To Know  External Link

This site includes information about what Hyperaldosteronism is, what causes it, how is diagnosed and treated.... Details >

National Adrenal Diseases Foundation  External Link

Jewish Genetic Diseases  External Link

This section provides an informative, up-to-date "fact sheet" on each of the most commonly described Ashkenazi Jewish genetic diseases. The specific nature of the genetic defect, major symptoms and di... Details >

Center for Jewish Genetic Diseases  External Link