U.S. Census Bureau

2007 NAICS Definitions
491 Postal Service

491 Postal Service

The Postal Service subsector includes the activities of the National Post Office and its subcontractors operating under a universal service obligation to provide mail services, and using the infrastructure required to fulfill that obligation. These services include delivering letters and small parcels. These articles can be described as those that can be handled by one person without using special equipment. This allows the collection, pick-up, and delivery operations to be done with limited labor costs and minimal equipment. Sorting and transportation activities, where necessary, are generally mechanized. The restriction to small parcels distinguishes these establishments from those in the transportation industries. These establishments may also provide express delivery services using the infrastructure established for provision of basic mail services.

The traditional activity of the National Postal Service is described in this subsector. Subcontractors include rural post offices on contract to the Postal Service.

Bulk transportation of mail on contract to the Postal Service is not included here, because it is usually done by transportation establishments that carry other customers' cargo as well. Establishments that provide courier and express delivery services without operating under a universal service obligation are classified in subsector 492, Couriers and Messengers.

4911 Postal Service

49111 Postal Service

See industry description for 491110 below.

491110 Postal Service

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing mail services under a universal service obligation. Mail services include the carriage of letters, printed matter, or mailable packages, including acceptance, collection, processing, and delivery. Due to the infrastructure requirements of providing mail service under a universal service obligation, postal service establishments often provide parcel and express delivery services in addition to the mail service. Establishments primarily engaged in performing one or more parts of the basic mail service, such as sorting, routing and/or delivery (except bulk transportation of mail) are included in this industry.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

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Corresponding Index Entries
491110491110491110 Postal delivery services, local, operated by U.S. Postal Service
491110491110491110 Postal delivery services, local, operated on a contract basis
491110491110491110 Postal services operated by U.S. Postal Service
491110491110491110 Postal stations operated by U.S. Postal Service
491110491110491110 Postal stations operated on a contract basis