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Compliance and Enforcement Quick Finder


Offshore and Oil & Gas PCS Permit Data

The EPA national NPDES permits database is called the Permit Compliance System. Information from this database about the Outer Continental Shelf general permit can be obtained through our PCS web pages. The following instructions step you through the process of obtaining information for outfalls from a particular permit number. This process is one described for Offshore permittees under the NPDES OCS general permit so that they can determine which lease areas and blocks have permit coverage or to ensure that all outfalls are included on the permit required No Discharge Listing.

Go to the Water Discharge Permits (PCS) Customized Query Engine page at:


Click on Pipe Schedule Outfalls.

Click Step 2: Retrieve Tables for Selected Subjects

Select (check the box) for pcs_cur_pipe_sched
Click Step 3: Select Columns

Select (check the box) for the following fields:

Click Step 4: Enter Search Criteria

In the Facility Identification Search section, select NPDES# and Equal to and fill in your permit number (GMG290###).

Click Search Database or Output to CSV File (the later being a comma separate data file for download to your computer)

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