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Compliance and Enforcement Quick Finder


Federal Facilities Program

FedCenter Website

The driving force for the FedCenter website is to assist federal facilities in meeting their environmental stewardship and compliance needs. FedCenter major program areas include Environmental Compliance, Buying Green, EMS, Energy, Green Buildings, NEPA, Pollution Prevention, Chemical Management, Cleanup, Sustainability and Natural Resources. Additional compliance assistance information, collaboration tools and support services are also providedcontent

EPA Enforcement Focus visit- www.fedcenter.gov

Executive Order 13423 “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.” The order sets goals in the areas of energy efficiency, acquisition, renewable energy, toxics reductions, recycling, renewable energy, sustainable buildings, electronics stewardship, fleets, and water conservation.please visit the OFEE website for more information: www.ofee.gov/whats/eo_13423.htm exit disclaimer

Federal Facilities Program

Executive Order 12088, "Federal Compliance with Pollution Control Standards," makes the head of each executive agency responsible for ensuring that the agency's facilities, programs, and activities meet applicable Federal, State, and local government requirements. The primary goal of EPA's Federal Facility Compliance Program is to ensure that all agencies reach a level of compliance with environmental requirements that equals or surpasses the rest of the regulated community. To accomplish this goal, EPA uses a three-pronged approach: training and compliance assistance, compliance oversight and enforcement, and review of Federal agency environmental program plans and programs. This comprehensive approach is designed to help Federal agencies develop appropriate compliance strategies.

The Federal Facility Program Manager serves as the Region's primary point of contact for facility environmental managers and as a link between EPA Headquarters and the Federal facilities in Region 6. The Coordinator's responsibilities include:

more infoCoordinate with regional media program staff to implement Federal facilities enforcement programs,

more infoManage tracking, oversight, and compliance planning activities,

more infoManage the Federal facilities' environmental management program plan review process,

more infoProvide compliance assistance, training, and outreach for Federal facilities,

more infoEncourage and assisting pollution prevention programs at Federal facilities.

For more information about this program, please submit inquires to Troy Stuckey at stuckey.troy@epa.gov.


More Info

up to the top linkCoordinate with regional media program staff to implement Federal facilities compliance/enforcement programs

Provide clarification on Federal facilities policies and guidance, assist in compliance/inspections activities, and coordinate multi-media inspections at Federal facilities.

Facilitate information exchange on Federal facilities' programs and multimedia enforcement/compliance strategies.

Coordinate meetings/briefings/visits between the regulated Federal facilities staff and EPA.

up to the top linkManage tracking, oversight, and compliance planning activities

Maintain records on Federal facility inspections and enforcement actions.

Prepare briefings for the Regional Administrator on Federal facility issues.

Ensure that Federal facilities issues are addressed in EPA/State Enforcement Agreements.

Assist in the coordination of Dispute Resolution Packages and Early Warning Packages being forwarded to HQs.

up to the top linkProvide compliance assistance, training, and outreach for Federal facilities

Conduct Federal facilities program reviews, provide environmental management systems support and help coordinate training opportunities available to Federal facilities.

Establish interagency forums and quarterly round table meetings, and conduct annual meetings to disseminate information and discuss critical issues.

At a minimum, participate during the in-briefing and out-briefing activities on multimedia and significant single media inspections.

Assist and coordinate with Region 6 program offices the outreach, information dissemination, and implementation of various executive orders at Federal facilities.

up to the top linkEncourage and assist pollution prevention programs at Federal facilities

Help Federal facilities develop P2 programs by providing information, identifying opportunities, and fostering technology sharing among Federal facilities.

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