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National Environmental Performance Track

Performance Track is a public/private partnership recognizing top environmental performance among participating U.S. facilities of all types, sizes, and complexity, public and private. This page provides region-specific information about the program. To learn more about the national program, including how to apply, use the links on the right side of the page.

Region 6 Performance Track Members

Currently there are around 500 facilities participating in the National Environmental Performance Track program, nationally. Of the 60 facilities participating in the program in Region 6, 37 facilities are located in Texas; 6 in Louisiana; 7 in Arkansas; 5 in New Mexico; and 5 in Oklahoma. Region 6 represents about 12% of the National membership.

View full list of Performance Track Members

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location of Performance Track Facilities in Region 6 (382 KB pdf, 1 pg)

Are you interested in current news about Region 6 Performance Track members? View recent program and other news and stories about members in Region 6.

Program Requirements:

To qualify for Performance Track, a facility must demonstrate that it:
•  has implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS);
•  has achieved specific environmental improvements and commits to
continuous improvements over the next three (3) years;
•  has a commitment to public outreach and annual performance reporting; and
•  has a record of sustained compliance with environmental requirements.

Related State Programs

EPA Region 6 coordinates with the states in the region in implementing the Performance Track program.
Texas, Louisiana, and New Mexico have
programs to encourage superior environmental performance.

Texas Clean Exit EPA Arrow
New Mexico Green Zia Exit EPA Arrow
Louisiana ELP Exit EPA Arrow
Oklahoma EPRP Exit EPA Arrow

For more information about joining Performance Track:

Craig Weeks
EPA Region 6 Performance Track Coordinator
Phone: 214-665-7505
Fax: 214-665-7446
E-Mail: weeks.craig@epa.gov

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