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News Releases and Statements For 1999


December 1999

Dec. 22, 1999NIAID Renews Funding for the Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group
Dec. 8, 1999Molecular Traffic Signal Could Be New HIV Drug Target

November 1999

Nov. 29, 1999New Tool Provides Major Advance for Understanding
Nov. 11, 1999NIH Scientists Create First Detailed Genetic Map of Malaria Parasite
Nov. 2, 1999Anti-HIV Treatment Improves Immune System and Fights Sight-Threatening Eye Infection

October 1999

Oct. 27, 1999NIAID Study: Rapid Rebound of HIV and Reappearance of HIV Reservoirs in Patients Treated with IL-2 and Combination Antiretroviral Drugs Following Cessation of Therapy
Oct. 20, 1999NIAID Funds Three Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Research Centers
Oct. 6, 1999NIAID Spearheads Collaborative Network for Clinical Research on Immune Tolerance
Oct. 6, 1999New Model Suggests That AIDS Drugs May Not Abolish HIV Infection

September 1999

Sept. 19, 1999Researchers Identify a Simple, Inexpensive Drug Regimen That is Highly Effective in Preventing Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission

August 1999

Aug. 24, 1999Study Finds HIV Breastfeeding Risk Highest in Early Months After Birth
Aug. 19, 1999A Leading Cause of Blindness May Be Controlled by Simple Course of Oral Antibiotic
Aug. 19, 1999Hepatitis E Virus Infection May Be Widespread in Rats
Aug. 4, 1999High HIV RNA Levels Major Risk Factor for Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission
Aug. 2, 1999Lab Experiments Reveal Potential Therapeutic Target for Degenerative Brain Diseases

July 1999

July 26, 1999Dr. Carole Heilman Named Director of NIAID's Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
July 13, 1999Combination HIV Vaccine Induces Diverse Immune Responses
July 8, 1999Alteration in Cell Death Pathway Sheds Light on Autoimmune Disease

June 1999

June 15, 1999NIAID Launches Major Step in Trial of Experimental Shingles Vaccine
June 9, 1999NIH Dedicates New Vaccine Research Center, NIH News Release
June 9, 1999The Dale and Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center
June 4, 1999Dr. K. Frank Austen Receives Award for Asthma Research

May 1999

May 27, 1999Experimental Staph Vaccine Broadly Protective in Animal Studies
May 26, 1999New Anti-HIV Therapies Needed to Eradicate HIV
May 18, 1999Status of AIDS Vaccine Research at NIH, NIAID Statement
May 13, 1999Second Annual AIDS Vaccine Day Honors Volunteers Nationwide
May 5, 1999Newly Updated HIV Treatment Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents Available on the World Wide Web

April 1999

April 29, 1999Immune Response to Hepatitis B Spares Liver Cells
April 27, 1999NIAID Grantees Receive International Prize for Findings on Immune System
April 20, 1999NIAID Renews Funding for Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study
April 9, 1999Dr. Louis Miller, Malaria Researcher, Receives 1999 Common Wealth Award
April 8, 1999IOM Report Offers New Look at U.S. Vaccine Priorities

March 1999

March 12, 1999Statement by the President

February 1999

Feb. 26, 1999HHS Secretary Names Five to NIAID Advisory Council
Feb. 19, 1999Multicomponent Malaria Vaccine Shows Promise in Laboratory Tests
Feb. 8, 1999NIAID Opens First AIDS Vaccine Trial in Africa
Feb. 1, 1999New Studies Offer Clues to AIDS Vaccine Design and Safety

January 1999

Jan. 31, 1999NIAID-Supported Scientists Discover Origin of HIV-1
Jan. 13, 1999Culturally Relevant Behavioral Intervention Dramatically Reduces STDs
Jan. 12, 1999Reassuring Findings About Infants Exposed to Zidovudine


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