Surface Water Design Manual
Training Courses Offered

King County Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD) offers training courses for the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Projects vested after January 1, 2005 are required to meet the standards contained in the 2005 manual.

Course Titles

Course Descriptions

Courses are targeted to design engineers and reviewers.

All courses are subject to cancellation if enrollment is not adequate.

For more information about the Surface Water Design Manual training program,
please contact Steve Foley, Regulations & Compliance Unit.

Introduction to KCRTS

Dates Offered: June 16, 2008 or June 25, 2008
Course Hours: All Day, 8:30-4:00
Course Cost: $250 (includes software and reference manual)
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 16

This one-day computer lab course includes an overview of basic continuous modeling techniques using the "Runoff Files" methodology and KCRTS computer program. The 2005 Surface Water Design Manual requires the use of the Runoff Files methodology for sizing of flow control facilities. A case study and hands-on computer exercises will introduce the attendee to basic analytical procedures and program features. Topics covered include generating time series files, analyzing time series for flow frequencies and flow durations, and sizing flow control facilities to control peak flows and flow durations.

Advanced Applications in KCRTS

Dates Offered: No classes offered at this time
Course Hours: Morning Only, 8:30-12:00
Course Cost: $100
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 16

This is a hands-on half-day computer lab course covering more advanced KCRTS facility sizing procedures. Attendees should have taken the introductory level course or have proficiency with basic KCRTS procedures. Example problems will be used to cover topics including facility sizing to the Level 3 flow control standard, onsite facility bypasses, and downstream point-of-compliance analysis.

Introduction to Flow Control BMPs

Dates Offered: June 17, 2008
Course Hours: 1:30-3:30
Course Cost: $50
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 30

This two-hour course provides an introduction to the new flow control requirements in the 2005 manual, with a focus on how the Flow Control/BMP requirements are applied.

Designing Water Quality Treatment Facilities

Dates Offered: June 20, 2008
Course Hours: All Day, 8:30-4:30
Course Cost: $200
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 30

This one-day lecture course will begin with an overview of the water quality menu structure that satisfies Core Requirement #8 (water quality) and Special Requirement #5 (oil control). The class will then concentrate on design specifics using case studies. Basic sizing and design specifics will be covered for the major water quality facilities including: biofiltration swales, wetponds and constructed wetlands, sand filters, wet and sand filter vaults, and oil/water separators. The class will conclude by examining site design and layout considerations, aesthetic integration, and solutions for "problem" sites. Bring the 2005 Surface Water Design Manual and a calculator to class.

For information about the Water Quality training course,
please contact Kate Rhoads, Regulations & Compliance Unit.

Introduction to the Backwater Program

Dates Offered: No classes offered at this time
Course Hours: Afternoon Only, 1:00-4:30
Course Cost: $100 (includes software and user documentation)
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Maximum Enrollment: 16

This half-day computer lab course is an introduction to the King County Backwater (KCBW) program features and analytical techniques. The 2005 Surface Water Design Manual requires a backwater analysis for sizing of conveyance systems. An example problem and hands-on computer exercises will introduce the basic Backwater program procedures for the analysis of sub-critical flow in open channels, analysis of pipe networks and culverts, and the use of executable data files.

Course Information

Registration and payment must be received five (5) days prior to the course. Refunds are available only if you withdraw at least two (2) working days before the event.

To register, download form.

Each course is designed as a separate module; see individual course descriptions for recommended course sequence. Course dates are subject to change based on demand. Space is limited. Full-day sessions will last from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (with one hour for lunch). Half-day sessions are from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 or from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The two-hour class times vary.

For questions concerning course content, sign language interpretation at the courses, or alternative flyer formats, contact Steve Foley, WLRD Senior Engineer, at 206-296-1973 (TTY: 1-800-833-6388).

Copies of the 2005 Surface Water Design Manual are available at WLRD for $145 each (plus tax/shipping, as applicable). The KCRTS software (including program documentation and user support) is available for $50 (plus tax/shipping, as applicable).


Registration Form: download form

For information about the Surface Water Design Manual training program, please contact Steve Foley, Regulations & Compliance Unit.

For questions about the Stormwater Web Site, please contact Mary Lear.

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