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Infant Feeding Practices Survey II

photo of a woman feeding a babyCDC is working closely with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to support the Infant Feeding Practices Survey II, a longitudinal study focusing on infant feeding practices and the diets of women from their 3rd trimester to 12 months postpartum. Infant feeding behaviors include patterns of breastfeeding, formula feeding, and solid food intake. The survey will be conducted using monthly mail questionnaires to a sample national mail panel, with over sampling of African American and Hispanic women.

In 1993–1994, FDA conducted the first Infant Feeding Practices Study measuring numerous factors that influence infant feeding practices. Yet, much has changed over the past decade, suggesting the need for more current information on infant feeding practices. The new 2005–2006 data will support ongoing programs within the Federal government.

Questions to be answered by the Second Infant Feeding Practices Study

For additional information visit Infant Feeding Practices Study II.

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Page last reviewed: May 22, 2007
Page last updated: May 22, 2007
Content Source: Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion