Committee on Governmental Affairs
Full Committee and Subcommittee Jurisdictions
for the 108th Congress

Committee on Governmental Affairs, to which committee shall be referred all proposed legislation, messages, petitions, memorials, and other matters relating to the following subjects:

• Archives of the United States.
• Budget and accounting measures, other than appropriations, except as provided in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974.
• Census and collection of statistics, including economic and social statistics.
• Congressional organization, except for any part of the matter that amends the rules or orders of the Senate.
• Federal Civil Service.
• Government information.
• Intergovernmental relations.
• Municipal affairs of the District of Columbia, except appropriations therefor.
• Organization and management of United States nuclear policy.
• Organization and reorganization of the Executive Branch of the Government.
• Postal Service.
• Status of officers and employees of the United States, including their classification, compensation, and benefits.

Such committee shall have the duty of:

(A) receiving and examining reports of the Comptroller General of the United States and submitting such recommendations to the Senate as it deems necessary or desirable in connection with the subject matter of such reports;
(B) studying the efficiency, economy, and effectiveness of all agencies and departments of the Government;
(C) evaluating the effects of laws enacted to reorganize the legislative and executive branches of the Government; and
(D) studying the intergovernmental relationships between the United States and the States and municipalities, and between the United States and international organizations of which the United States is a member.


Subcommittee on Financial Management, the Budget, and International Security (FMBIS)

(1) The effectiveness and efficiency of Federal financial management;
(2) Budget and accounting measures, other than appropriations, except as provided in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974;
(3) Federal workforce retirement and other employment benefits and matters relating to the Merit System Principles;
(4) Census and collection of statistics, including economic and social statistics;
(5) Studying the effectiveness of present national security methods and arms proliferation;
(6) The organization and management of United States nuclear export policy; and
(7) Studying the intergovernmental relationships between the United States and international organizations of which the United States is a member, and relations with other oil producing and consuming countries with respect to government involvement in the control and management of energy shortages.

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI)

(1) The efficiency and economy of operations of all branches of the Government;
(2) The compliance or noncompliance of corporations, companies, or individual or other entities with the rules, regulations, and laws governing the various governmental agencies and their relationships with the public;
(3) The determination of whether any changes are required in the laws of the United States in order to protect public interests against the occurrence of improper practices or activities by labor or management groups;
(4) Syndicated or organized crime which may operate in or otherwise utilize the facilities of interstate and international commerce;
(5) All other aspects of crime and lawlessness within the United States which have an impact upon or affect the national health, welfare, and safety;
(6) The effectiveness of present national security methods; and
(7) The efficiency, economy and effectiveness of all agencies and departments of the Government involved in the control and management of energy shortages.

Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce and the District of Columbia (OGM)

(1) The management, efficiency, effectiveness and economy of all departments, agencies and programs of the Federal government, including overlap and duplication in Federal programs;
(2) The intergovernmental relationships between the Federal government and state and local governments;
(3) Federal civil service compensation, classification, labor management relations, recruitment and training and all other matters relating to the human capital management; and
(4) All authorizing matters relating to the District of Columbia.




Committee Members | Subcommittees | Hearings | Key Legislation | Jurisdiction
 Press Statements | Current Issues | 1997 Special Investigation | Video of Select Hearings | Sites of Interest