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Statement on the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008

After a number taxpayer protections were included, I voted in favor of the Financial Rescue Package when it was presented to the House of Representatives.  I don't like the legislation, but I hated even more the economic crash that I am concerned would follow if Congress does not take action... More



House Majority Leadership Adjourns for August Recess without a Vote on Increasing American Energy Production

I believe Speaker Nancy Pelosi chose to ignore the will of the majority of Californians and the American people when she refused to hold a vote... More


Federal Disaster Declared in Response to California Wildfires

The lightning-caused fires that erupted in California in June constituted a disaster that wreaked havoc across the North State. I was able to witness firsthand the efforts of our brave firefighters and communities... More


Housing Bill - GSE Reform

Recently, the House of Representatives considered H.R. 3221, “the Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008”. The legislation links necessary Government Sponsored Enterprise (GSE) reforms with unnecessary and counterproductive provisions that put both the housing market and taxpayers at risk... More


Reliance on Foreign Oil Negatively Impacts U.S. Trade Deficit
If we really want to address the U.S. trade deficit we should be reducing our reliance on foreign oil... More


Foreclosure Prevention
If you are in jeopardy of losing your home, there are many resources available that may assist you... More



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