[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 27, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 27CFR4.37]

[Page 31-32]
                Subpart D_Labeling Requirements for Wine
Sec.  4.37  Net contents.

    (a) Statement of net contents. The net contents of wine for which a 
standard of fill is prescribed in Sec.  4.73 shall be stated in the same 
manner and form as set forth in the standard of fill. The net content of 
wine for which no standard of fill is prescribed in Sec.  4.73 shall be 
stated in the metric system of measure as follows:
    (1) If more than one liter, net contents shall be stated in liters 
and in decimal portions of a liter accurate to the nearest one-hundredth 
of a liter.
    (2) If less than one liter, net contents shall be stated in 
milliliters (ml).
    (b) Statement of U.S. equivalent net contents. When net contents of 
wine are stated in metric measure, the equivalent volume in U.S. measure 
may also be shown. If shown, the U.S. equivalent volume will be shown as 
    (1) For the metric standards of fill: 3 liters (101 fl. oz.); 1.5 
liters (50.7 fl. oz.); 1 liter (33.8 fl. oz.); 750 ml (25.4 fl. oz.); 
500 ml (16.9 fl. oz.); 375 ml (12.7 fl. oz.); 187 ml (6.3 fl. oz.); 100 
ml (3.4 fl. oz.); and 50 ml (1.7 fl. oz.).
    (2) Equivalent volumes of less than 100 fluid ounces will be stated 
in fluid ounces only, accurate to the nearest one-tenth of a fluid 
ounce; for example, 700 ml (23.7 fl. oz.).
    (3) Equivalent volumes of 100 fluid ounces or more will be stated in 
fluid ounces only, accurate to the nearest whole fluid ounce; for 
example, 6 liters (203 fl. oz.).
    (c) Net contents marked in bottle. The net contents need not be 
stated on any label if the net contents are displayed by having the same 
blown, etched, sand-blasted, marked by underglaze coloring, or otherwise 
permanently marked by any method approved by the appropriate TTB 
officer, in the sides, front, or back of the bottle, in letters and 
figures in such manner as to be plainly legible under ordinary 
circumstances, and such statement is not obscured in any manner in whole 
or in part.
    (d) Tolerances. Statement of net contents shall indicate exactly the 
volume of wine within the container, except that the following 
tolerances shall be allowed:
    (1) Discrepancies due exclusively to errors in measuring which occur 
in filling conducted in compliance with good commercial practice.
    (2) Discrepancies due exclusively to differences in the capacity of 
containers, resulting solely from unavoidable difficulties in 
manufacturing such

[[Page 32]]

containers so as to be of uniform capacity: Provided, That no greater 
tolerance shall be allowed in case of containers which, because of their 
design, cannot be made of approximately uniform capacity than is allowed 
in case of containers which can be manufactured so as to be of 
approximately uniform capacity.
    (3) Discrepancies in measure due to differences in atmospheric 
conditions in various places and which unavoidably result from the 
ordinary and customary exposure of alcoholic beverages in containers to 
evaporation. The reasonableness to discrepancies under this paragraph 
shall be determined on the facts in each case.
    (e) Unreasonable shortages. Unreasonable shortages in certain of the 
containers in any shipment shall not be compensated by overages in other 
containers in the same shipment.

[T.D. ATF-12, 39 FR 45222, Dec. 31, 1974, as amended by T.D. ATF-49, 43 
FR 19848, May 9, 1978; T.D. ATF-76, 46 FR 1727, Jan. 7, 1981; T.D. ATF-
303, 55 FR 42713, Oct. 23, 1990]