To offer a suggestion or report an error on the Water and Land Resources' Web site, please contact Fred Bentler, webmaster.

Stormwater Services and Information for King County, Washington

Terms of Service

Please read the user agreement and definitions carefully, it's not the usual fine print:

King County has created the Sharepoint site to facilitate intergovernmental collaboration and the sharing of data and ideas, minimize duplication of effort, and promote consistency in regional stormwater education and outreach.

User Agreement

By using the Sharepoint site I agree to share responsibility for its quality and usefulness, and accept the site's terms of use:

  • I understand that my site account may be removed if I violate the terms of use or if my account is inactive for 4 months or more.
  • I shall access the site for work purposes only and inform the site administrator when work responsibility changes and I no longer need access to accomplish my assigned work.
  • I understand my account login and password are for my use only and may not be shared.
  • I understand that, while unlikely, any and all content on the site may be lost at any time from causes such as but not limited to user errors, system errors, insolvency of the hosting company, loss of domain registration, billing errors, malicious intrusion, hacking or other causes, and shall not hold King County or other jurisdictions liable for any loss whatsoever.
  • I am responsible to make backup copies of any content on the site I need to keep for my records.
  • I understand that any content on the Sharepoint site is subject to Washington State disclosure laws.
  • I may post opinions, facts, files and other content on the site in online discussions and surveys, and accept the rules governing this use to keep it collegial and productive:
    • I agree to post only clean and appropriate communications, documents or images to the site, none of which may be considered inflammatory, hurtful, vulgar, rude, or obscene.
    • To help ensure that information, opinions and points are clearly understood and referenced in online discussions, I agree to post descriptive, specific, and succinct communications that focus on the topic of the discussion thread.
    • To maintain an environment that is conducive to high-quality and cooperative dialogue, I understand that a site administrator may edit, move or delete communications that he/she determines in good faith to violate the terms of use, and may delete discussions about such edits, moves and deletions.
  • I understand that changing the site's source code may damage interactive features of the site and shall not attempt to view or edit source code including but not limited to application code, style sheets, or html code for any reason.


Who may access

Staff having working roles to supervise, promote, develop or execute public outreach and education efforts related to stormwater management or non-point source pollution control may be granted access to the site.

Who administers

FrontPages Web Hosting, a private company, is responsible for administering the server and hosting the site including backup and restoration. King County staff administer the Sharepoint software by configuring accounts, adding features and mediating discussions. All site users may modify content on the site; for example, editing shared documents, adding and deleting documents, posting messages, maintaining lists, responding to surveys, etc.

In the definitions describing and its user agreement (also referred to as the "terms of service" or TOS), "the site" refers to the Sharepoint site and "I," "me" and "my" refer to each person who uses the Sharepoint site

For questions about the Stormwater Web Site, please contact Mary Lear.