IT governance and strategic services

In July 2001, the County Council in cooperation with the Executive, created and adopted an information technology governance structure (Ordinance #14155), establishing the Strategic Advisory Council, the Business Management Council, the Technology Management Board and the Project Review Board. The purpose of these groups is to advise the County Chief Information Officer in the establishment of countywide policies for information technology planning and management and to provide central oversight for technology investments.

County Chief Information Officer 

To advise all branches of county government on technology issues and provide vision and coordination in technology management and investment across the county.

Strategic Advisory Council (SAC) 

To advise the county's executive in developing long-term strategic objectives and planning and implementing for information technology deployment countywide.

Project Review Board (PRB) 

To advise the county's chief information officer in implementing the project management guidelines developed by the central information technology project management office.

Business Management Council (BMC) 

To advise the county's chief information officer in developing short-term, mid-term and strategic business objectives for information technology countywide, in recommending information technology proposals for funding and in developing standards, policies and guidelines for implementation.

Technology Management Board (TMB) 

To advise the county's chief information officer on technical issues including policies and standards for privacy and security, applications, infrastructure and data management.

Technology Governance Contacts:

SAC: Zlata Kauzlaric,
PRB: Zlata Kauzlaric,
BMC: Zlata Kauzlaric,
TMB: Zlata Kauzlaric,