NIH VideoCasting
National Institutes of Health


How to Download and Install RealPlayer® for Windows


Start by downloading the latest free version of RealPlayer® from the RealNetworks™ web page at Select the RealPlayer Basic link at the lower left corner of the screen.

screen capture- Real Player download screen

Fill out your email address, country, operating system, language, and type of connection. If you are working on the NIH campus, choose "T3 or greater." If you are dialing in from a remote location, choose "Dial up 56K." Click the button at the bottom of the screen to start the download.

RealPlayer registration form

There are three forms of RealPlayer Basic. Minimum is enough to watch NIH VideoCasts.

Select form of RealPlayer

Seattle Washington is the nearest download location to the NIH campus.

List of ftp servers with RealPlayer Basic

Save the program to disk.

Windows What Would You Like To Do With This File screen

Save the program to your desktop. Do not rename the file.

Windows Save As screen

Windows will automatically download the RealPlayer program and create a launch icon. Double-click the "rp8-setup.exe" icon to start the installation wizard.

rp-setup launch icon

The installer will lead you through a series of questions and instructions. After reading or making selections on each screen, click Next to continue the installation.

welcome to Installer screen

Agree to the terms of the license.

RealPlayer license

The installer should default to putting RealPlayer into your Program Files directory.

Windows Choose Folder screen

You do not need any of the installation options. Click the check mark next to each option to deselect it.

Options screen

RealPlayer will change your browser's home page unless you click "Keep my current home page."

Chose default home page screen

Supply your email address and keep the "Send Electronic Registration" option. Remove the "Email me about product news" option by clicking on the check box.

Electronic registration screen

If you will be viewing RealPlayer from the NIH campus, choose "10Mbps LAN" as your connection. If you will be dialing up, choose "56K Modem."

Choose connection speed screen

RealPlayer will preselect all channels. Remove all of these channels by clicking on the check box beside each option.

RealPlayer channel line up

The news and entertaiment flashes are also preselected. Remove all options by clicking on the check box.

News and Entertainment options screen

Product flashes are advertisements. Remove them all.

Tips, tricks, and special offers screen

Remove all the Internet channel settings.

Internet channel settings

The last screen will show you the selected personal settings. They should all be turned off. By clicking "Finish" you will complete the installation of RealPlayer Basic.

Channel lineup screen

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The NIH does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services. The U.S. Government does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed. The NIH disclaims all warranties regarding these products, including, but not limited to, all warranties, express or implied of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. The NIH further disclaims all obligations and liabilities for damages arising from the use or attempted use of these products, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, and consequential damages, attorneys' and experts' fees and court costs. Any use of these products will be at the risk of the user.


Center for Information Technology
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
301 594 6248 (v) 301 496 8294 (TDD)
