Table AV8: Imports from Canada with State of Destination and 2-Digit Commodity Detail ,,,, ,,,, Field Name,Data Element,Description,Type,Width DISAGMOT ,Disaggregated MOT,"Method of transportation by which the commodities are exported; ""1"" = air, ""3"" = vessel",Character,1 DESTATE ,U.S. State,U.S. state of destination.,Character,2 TSUSA ,Schedule B or HTSUSA code,"Two-digit commodity code, indicated by Schedule B for U.S. export shipments and Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States for U.S. import shipments",Character,2 COUNTRY ,Country of Origin or Destination,"""2010"" to denote Mexico or ""1220"" to denote Canada",Character,4 VALUE ,Value of Shipments,Commodity value in U.S. $,Numeric,11 CHARGES ,Aggregate Charges,"Aggregate shipping charges on imports, in U.S. $",Numeric,11 SHIPWT ,Shipping Weight,Commodity weight in kilograms,Numeric,11 STATMOYR ,Statistical Month and Year,MMYY. Example 0592 = May 1992.,Character,4