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Intensive Courses in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

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Providing unmatched access to advanced scientific and technological tools with the opportunity to work under nationally recognized scientists.

Course development supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation

The University of Washington, UW, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PNNL, formed the Joint Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, JIN, in April 2001. The institute in cooperation with Washington State University and a steering group of national educational institutions is offering an unprecedented series of courses to enhance education and research in nanotechnology and to speed undergraduate and graduate entry into this exciting field. The courses are made possible through a National Science Foundation grant.

The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, EMSL will be the location for some of the courses. EMSL is a Department of Energy national scientific user facility at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland WA. Here scientists conduct fundamental research on the physical, chemical, and biological processes that underpin critical scientific issues using more than 100 major instrument systems.

Who Should Take These Courses?
These courses are designed for:

  • Upper-level undergraduate science or engineering students interested in preparing for research in industry or pursuing graduate education - a previous introduction to quantum concepts is a prerequisite
  • Graduate students who want to broaden their knowledge of this rapidly developing field and to have hands-on experience with applicable research tools
  • Professionals looking to remain at the forefront of scientific advancements or seeking continuing education units

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