Ohio Coal Statistics, 1990, 1995-1999

Category 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 19901 Percent Change 1998-1999 Average Annual Percent Change
1995-1999 1990-1999
Supply (thousand short tons)                  
  Recoverable Reserves at Producing Mines 382,519 356,132 318,428 414,759 467,984 691,984 7.4 -4.9 -6.4
  Productive Capacity1 30,617 33,691 33,443 37,584 34,011 NA -9.1 -2.6 NA
  Production Total 22,480 28,048 29,154 28,572 26,118 35,252 -19.8 -3.7 -4.9
    Underground 11,431 14,604 16,949 15,912 13,077 12,920 -21.7 -3.3 -1.3
    Surface 11,048 13,444 12,205 12,660 13,041 22,332 -17.8 -4.1 -7.5
  Capacity Utilization2 73.10 83.13 87.07 75.88 76.55 NA -12.0 -1.1 NA
  Ratio of Recoverable Reserves to Production 17.0 12.7 10.9 14.5 17.9 19.6 34.0 -1.3 -1.6
  Number of Employees/Miners3 3,069 3,415 3,124 3,232 3,386 5,866 -10.1 -2.4 -6.9
     Underground   1,645 1,796 1,759 1,706 1,670 2,603 -8.4 -.4 -5.0
     Surface       1,424 1,619 1,365 1,526 1,716 3,263 -12.0 -4.5 -8.8
  Productivity Total2 3.19 3.50 4.02 3.95 3.62 2.80 -8.7 -3.1 1.4
    Underground 3.02 3.48 4.18 4.19 3.81 2.34 -13.4 -5.6 2.8
    Surface 3.40 3.52 3.81 3.69 3.46 3.17 -3.3 -.4 .8
  Producer/Distributor Stocks 800 1,276 774 532 1,374 - -37.3 -12.6 -
  Imports4 - - 1 1 1 - - -100.0 -
Distribution (thousand short tons)                  
  Distribution Total 23,074 27,166 29,434 28,881 24,345 NA -15.1 -1.3 NA
    Domestic Distribution Total 23,068 26,503 29,024 28,609 24,318 NA -13.0 -1.3 NA
      Within State 20,521 23,091 24,521 24,478 20,228 NA -11.1 .4 NA
      To Other States 2,547 3,412 4,502 4,131 4,090 NA -25.3 -11.2 NA
    Foreign Distribution Total 6 663 410 271 28 NA -99.1 -32.6 NA
          Steam 6 663 410 271 28 NA -99.1 -32.6 NA
      Canada Total 4 204 - 3 13 NA -98.1 -25.7 NA
          Steam 4 204 - 3 13 NA -98.1 -25.7 NA
      Overseas Total5 2 459 410 269 15 NA -99.6 -41.1 NA
          Steam 2 459 410 269 15 NA -99.6 -41.1 NA
Demand (thousand short tons)                  
  Consumption Total 57,500 60,356 58,821 59,835 56,580 59,205 -4.7 .4 -.3
    Electric Utility 52,123 54,455 52,893 53,543 49,785 48,848 -4.3 1.1 .7
    Coke Plants w w 1,848 1,842 2,777 4,949 w w w
    Other Industrial 3,371 3,684 3,751 3,794 3,609 4,753 -8.5 -1.7 -3.7
    Residential/Commercial 217 391 329 656 409 654 -44.4 -14.6 -11.5
  Consumer Stocks Total w 6,175 6,324 5,428 5,936 10,471 w w w
    Electric Utility w 5,902 6,066 5,229 5,661 9,956 w w w
    All Other 212 273 257 199 275 515 -22.5 -6.3 -9.4
Coal Prices (nominal dollars per short ton)                  
  Mine Total $28.18 $27.56 $23.66 $24.85 $25.97 $28.65 2.3 2.1 -.2
    Underground 31.50 28.48 25.16 25.98 28.98 33.93 10.6 2.1 -.8
    Surface 24.52 26.61 21.57 23.43 22.92 25.57 -7.9 1.7 -.5
    Electric Utility 32.47 32.52 31.41 32.31 34.44 36.01 -.1 -1.4 -1.1
    Coke Plants w w 46.89 44.98 42.18 48.29 w w w
    Other Industrial 34.44 33.52 34.05 35.28 35.18 35.04 2.8 -.5 -.2

1/ For 1990, the Form EIA-7A solicited data on "Annual Productive Capacity." However, that data was not verified with the respondents and as a result, it is not releasable.
2/ Capacity utilization (percent) is the ratio of total production to annual productive capacity as reported by mining companies on Form EIA-7A.  Productivity (short tons per miner per hour) is calculated by dividing total coal production by the total direct labor hours worked by all employees engaged in production, preparation, processing, development, maintenance, repair, and shop or yard work at mining operations.
3/ Includes all employees engaged in production, processing, development, maintainance, repair, shop or yard work at mining operations, including office workers for 1998 forward.  For 1997 and prior years, includes mining operations management and all technical and engineering personnel, excluding office workers.
4/ Imports for 1995 through 1999 include imports to electric utilities, manufacturing plants and coke plants.  Imports for 1990 include only imports to electric utilities.
5/ Includes Mexico.
w/ Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
NA/ Not available.
       Notes: Excludes silt, culm, refuse bank, slurry dam, and dredge operations except for Pennsylvania anthracite.  Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
       Sources: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-3, "Quarterly Coal Consumption Report Manufacturing Plants"; Form EIA-5, "Coke Plant Report Quarterly"; Form EIA-6A, "Coal Distribution Report"; Form EIA-7A, "Coal Production Report"; Form EIA-759, "Monthly Power Plant Report," and U.S.  Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Form 70002, "Quarterly Mine Employment and Coal Production Report."