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Petrified Forest National Parklong logs in Rainbow Forest, Photo by Marge Post/NPS
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Petrified Forest National Park
Environmental Factors
thundercloud from a Painted Desert vista
Photo by T.Scott Williams/PFMA
Thunderstorms over the Painted Desert.

The clarity of the high, dry air over the Painted Desert region is only interrupted by weather shifts and environmental factors. Wind plays a large role in shaping the terrain but does not often decrease visibility. With an annual rainfall of only 8-12 inches, moisture seldom interrupts the majestic vistas. 

Thunderstorms are most commmon during the monsoon season from July to September. Winters can bring cold temperatures and snow. Summers by contrast are often hot and dry, punctuated by occasional thunderstorms 

While automobile traffic and the passage of trains on the Santa Fe line can be heard from the road, the backcountry is still a refuge of profound silence. This relative isolation has also helped to preserve the night skies and the air quality within the park.

closeup of colorful agatized petrified wood  

Did You Know?
Petrified wood at Petrified Forest National Park is almost solid quartz, weighing in at 168 pounds per cubic foot. It's so hard, you can only cut it with a diamond tipped saw!

Last Updated: August 17, 2006 at 17:43 EST