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Urban Connections Detroit
Wayne County Extension office
640 Temple Street, 6th Floor
Detroit, Michigan 48201-2558

Region 9 Regional Office
626 East Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202

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Urban Connections



The oldest city west of the seaboard colonial cities, Detroit was a strategic location during the French and Indian wars, the first steam vessel made its appearence there, and it is the center of the US automobile industry.

Working with partners, including the Henry Ford Museums Greenfield Village and the NFL the Detroit Urban Connections program has worked hard to bring natural resources and conservation education to the Detroit area.

Program successes include the Great Outdoors program, done with Greenfield Village, where Detroit youths go to Greenfield Village to experience camping, hiking, canoeing and fishing, and working with the NFL to Green Up Detroit for the Superbowl.

Since the program began in Detroit the Forest Service has participated in many events in the Detroit area, bringing the National Forests to Urban children. Some of these include Higgins Elementary schools Tree Rally, passing out trees at the Detroit Science Fair at the new Detroit Science Center, working with the Detroit Public Libraries' summer reading program, participating in career days at Higgins Elementary, Greenfield Village, and the 2nd Ebenezer Baptist Church. These are only some of the events we are involved in in Detroit, and there is much more we can do.

Urban Connections Featured on WDET Detroit Public Radio

Celeste Headlee of Detroit Public Radio station WDET recently interviewed Daryl Pridgen and Katie Armstrong regarding the Urban Connections program. The interview is available online.

We would like to express special thanks to WDET for this segment.

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Detroit Urban Connections Takes Kids to the Huron-Manistee National Forest

Through support from Detroit Urban Connections and the Friends of the Forest, Dearborn's Henry Ford Academy was able to send 40 students to the Huron-Manistee National Forest for a service learning camp-out. For most of the students this was their first ever trip not only to a National Forest, but to a wooded environment. The Forest Service had numerous staff on hand to work with the first time forest visitors making the experience both educational and enjoyable. The students were eager to learn and finished the day with an increased understanding and appreciation of forests.

Students from the Henry Ford Academy pose with Friends of the Forest banner.

The project consisted of three elements designed to give the students a well rounded experience. Forest Service staff led a hike discussing the ecology of the Forest, focusing on invasive species and tree identification. Students also had the opportunity to learn about the diversity of the Forest Service through a lakeside nature walk with a Forest Archeologist and Fire specialist.

They were able to engage in hands on learning as a part of the acorn collection session. Students enthusiastically collected black oak acorns while learning about forest regeneration and wildlife. Their efforts paid off: in one afternoon the students collected an estimated 10,000 acorns!

When the day's work was over the group proceeded to the former Chittenden Nursery for the night. Students were treated to a hearty meal grilled up onsite. After dinner a campfire was built and many s'mores were enjoyed. Striking for many of the students, was the sheer number of stars visible so far from a major city. They commented that they had never seen so many stars. We hope this experience will inspire the students to seek out many more outdoor experiences.

Wytosha Thacker Joins Urban Connections in Detroit

Wytosha Thacker

The Urban Connections program has welcomed Wytosha Thacker as an intern. She will be working closely with Katie Armstrong in our Detroit office area.

Prior to joining the U.S. Forest Service, Wytosha served four years on active duty in the U.S. Army and one year in the Army Reserve. For the past two years Wytosha has worked as a substitute teacher and helped organize National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) for Scarlett Middle School in Ann Arbor. She has a long history of working with youth in her community through the Getsemane College Club, a church-based program, where she helped high school students prepare for SAT examinations and assisted with visits to potential colleges.

Wytosha is currently working toward her Masters degree in Organizational Development and Leadership Management at Concordia University. She says her plan is to continue working for the Forest Service Urban Connections program after graduation.

Reflecting on the old Forest Service

Our Vision:
  • Protect ecosystems across boundaries
  • Connect citizens to the land
  • Walk the talk for sustainability
  • Revolutionize effectiveness and efficiency
  • Be an employer of choice

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