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Gene Info

Gene Information For:Hs. GNB2L1, Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1
Sequence ID:NM_006098

Database Links

UniGeneEntrez GeneOMIMDTPSNPViewerAssembliesRNAi

Gene Expression Data

  • This gene is found in these cDNA libraries from the following tissue types:
    adrenal cortex, b-cell, bone, bone marrow, brain, cartilage, cerebellum, cerebrum, cervix, colon, ear, embryonic tissue, endocrine, esophagus, eye, fetus, gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney, liver, lung, lymph node, lymphoreticular, mammary gland, muscle, nervous, ovary, pancreas, pancreatic islet, parathyroid, peripheral nervous system, pineal gland, pituitary gland, placenta, pooled tissue, prostate, retina, salivary gland, skin, soft tissue, spleen, stem cell, stomach, synovium, t-cell, testis, thymus, thyroid, uncharacterized tissue, uterus, vascular
  • SAGE Anatomic Viewer
  • SAGE Digital Northern

  • Monochromatic SAGE/cDNA Virtual Northern

  • Two-dimensional array displays (similar expression pattern in NCI60 microarray data or SAGE data)

Cytogenetic Location (from UniGene)

Cytogenetic Location:5q35.3Mitelman Breakpoint Data

Chromosomal Position (from UCSC)

Chromosomal Position:5: 180596533 - 180603507

Full-Length MGC Clones for This Gene

IMAGE IdStatusAccession GenBank Def Line
2819249Full LengthBC000366guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1
2823761Full LengthBC019362guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1
2959178Full LengthBC000214guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1
3455986Full LengthBC014788guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1
3835636Full LengthBC010119guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1
4083071Full LengthBC021993guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1
4750184Full LengthBC032006guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1
4765908Full LengthBC014256guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1
4892271Full LengthBC017287guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1
4893346Full LengthBC019093guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1

Protein Similarities Based on Shared Motif Content

Find gene products sharing protein motifs with:  NP_006089  

Protein Infomation


mRNAProteinSwissProtPfam Motifs
NM_006098 NP_006089 Q6FH47

Related Sequences

M24194 AAA59626 Q6FH47
BC000214 AAH00214 Q6FH47
BC000366 AAH00366 Q6FH47
BC010119 AAH10119 Q6FH47
BC014256 AAH14256 Q6FH47
BC014788 AAH14788 Q6FH47
BC017287 AAH17287 Q6FH47
BC019093 AAH19093 Q6FH47
BC019362 AAH19362 Q6FH47
BC021993 AAH21993 Q6FH47
BC032006 AAH32006 Q6FH47
AY336089 AAR24619 Q5J8M6
DQ891422 ABM82348  
DQ894596 ABM85522  
AK222488 BAD96208 Q53HU2
AK095666 BAG53102 B3KTJ0
AK301029 BAG62644 B4DVD2
AK301468 BAG62988 B4DWC6
AK303316 BAG64385 B4E0C3
CR456978 CAG33259 Q6FH47
CR541909 CAG46707 Q6FH47
AM393661 CAL38537  

Homologs (from HomoloGene)

Note: Both orthologs and paralogs are included.
Organism Symbol Protein Homolog Similarity
(% aa unchanged)
Organism Symbol Entrez
Gene Info Protein
H.sapiens GNB2L1 NP_006089 M.musculus Gnb2l1 14694 Gene Info NP_032169 100
R.norvegicus Gnb2l1 83427   NP_570090 100
D.melanogaster Rack1 34070   NP_477269 77
A.gambiae AgaP_AGAP010173 1279593   XP_319347 74
C.elegans rack-1 177895   NP_501859 74
M.grisea MGG_04719 2677887   XP_362274 73
N.crassa NCU05810.1 2707592   XP_325665 71
A.thaliana AT3G18130 821338   NP_188441 68
S.pombe cpc2 2543298   NP_593770 64
P.falciparum PF08_0019 2655468   XP_001349258 61
S.cerevisiae ASC1 855143   NP_013834 55

Gene Ontology
Gene classification by the European Bioinformatics Institute, as recorded in GOA (GO Annotation@EBI)

NCI-Nature Pathway Interaction Database

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