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Gene Info

Gene Information For:Hs. ARPC3, Actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 3, 21kDa
Sequence ID:NM_005719

Database Links

UniGeneEntrez GeneOMIMSNPViewerAssembliesRNAi

Gene Expression Data

  • This gene is found in these cDNA libraries from the following tissue types:
    adrenal cortex, b-cell, bone, bone marrow, brain, cartilage, cerebellum, cerebrum, cervix, colon, ear, embryonic tissue, endocrine, eye, fetus, gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney, liver, lung, lymph node, lymphoreticular, mammary gland, muscle, nervous, ovary, pancreas, pancreatic islet, parathyroid, peripheral nervous system, pituitary gland, placenta, pooled tissue, prostate, retina, skin, soft tissue, spleen, stem cell, stomach, t-cell, testis, thyroid, uncharacterized tissue, uterus, vascular
  • SAGE Anatomic Viewer
  • SAGE Digital Northern

  • Monochromatic SAGE/cDNA Virtual Northern

  • Two-dimensional array displays (similar expression pattern in NCI60 microarray data or SAGE data)

Cytogenetic Location (from UniGene)

Cytogenetic Location:12q24.11Mitelman Breakpoint Data

Chromosomal Position (from UCSC)

Chromosomal Position:12: 109357144 - 109367740

Full-Length MGC Clones for This Gene

IMAGE IdStatusAccession GenBank Def Line
5302338Full LengthBC067747actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 3, 21kDa
6148231Full LengthBC078162actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 3, 21kDa

Protein Similarities Based on Shared Motif Content

Find gene products sharing protein motifs with:  NP_005710  

Protein Infomation


mRNAProteinSwissProtPfam Motifs
NM_005719 NP_005710 O15145 P21-Arc

Related Sequences

AF004561 AAB61466 O15145
AF006086 AAB64191 O15145
BC067747 AAH67747 O15145
BC078162 AAH78162 O15145
DQ328220 ABC59627 Q2LE71
AK311789 BAG34732 B2R4D5
AK297309 BAG59775 B4DM63
CR407667 CAG28595 O15145

Homologs (from HomoloGene)

Note: Both orthologs and paralogs are included.
Organism Symbol Protein Homolog Similarity
(% aa unchanged)
Organism Symbol Entrez
Gene Info Protein
H.sapiens ARPC3 NP_005710 M.musculus Arpc3 56378 Gene Info NP_062798 98
R.norvegicus Arpc3 288669   XP_213782 98
A.gambiae AgaP_AGAP001712 1281462   XP_321377 63
D.melanogaster Arpc3A 41917   NP_650498 61
C.elegans arx-5 176697   NP_499667 55
S.pombe arc21 2540144   NP_596291 53
A.thaliana ARPC3 842338   NP_564757 49
M.grisea MGG_00307 5050763   XP_001411330 47
N.crassa NCU09572.1 2711843   XP_329931 47
S.cerevisiae ARC18 851085   NP_013474 47

Gene Ontology
Gene classification by the European Bioinformatics Institute, as recorded in GOA (GO Annotation@EBI)

Kegg Pathways
Pathway information courtesy of Kegg

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