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Invasive Plant Environmental Impact Statement


Yellow star thistle


Invasive Plant EIS Home

Background & Scoping

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About the Team

How to Participate

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Integrated Weed Management



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USDA Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Region
Invasive Plant EIS Team

P.O. Box 3623
Portland, OR 97208


United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

How to Participate



You may contact us by postal/FedEx mail, or email.

Public participation is important to our analysis.  We are seeking information and comments from individuals or organizations that may be interested in or affected by the proposed action (See Notice of Intent).  There are several phases of this project on which you may comment:



  • Submit written comments to:

Pacific Northwest Regional Office

Invasive Plant Team

P.O. Box 3623,

Portland, OR 97208-3623.

·        Submit electronic comments to:



Please check our frequently asked questions to see if the answer to your question is there.

Send postal mail or FedEx to:
USDA Forest Service
Invasive Plant EIS Team
333 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR  97204


USDA Forest Service
Invasive Plant EIS Team
P.O. Box 3623
Portland, OR  97208

Or, if you wish to visit our office:
Robert Duncan Plaza
333 SW First Avenue
(By Max train: First and Oak Street Stop)
Portland, OR 97204





Frequently Asked Questions

Read about some of the Frequent Asked Questions. More frequently asked question information.






Send us your comments on how you feel we are serving you.






Privacy Advisory:  we will not sell your name and address.


You will not receive a direct response from the EIS team to your comments.



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 Last Modified: 03/08/05