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National Summit on Africa

Africa and America:
Partners in the New Millennium

Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC
February 16 - 20, 2000

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U.S.-Africa Partnership


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"In this world, we can be indifferent or we can make a difference. America must choose, when it comes to Africa, to make a difference. Because we want to live in a world which is not dominated by a division of people who live on the cutting edge of a new economy and others who live on the bare edge of survival, we must be involved in Africa. Because we want to broaden global growth and expand markets for our own people, we must be involved in Africa. Because we want to build a world in which our security is not threatened by the spread of armed conflict, in which bitter ethnic and religious differences are resolved by the force of argument, not the force of arms, we must be involved in Africa." [full text]

President William J. Clinton
February 17, 2000

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Women with Baskets Africa Industry Man Selling Beads

African Affairs | Department of State | Secretary of State