US Census Bureau
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American Community Survey (ACS)

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  Census > ACS Main > How to Use the Data > User Notes

How to Use the Data Main

ACS and Intercensal Population Estimates

Comparing ACS Data to Other Sources

Subject Definitions

Accuracy of the Data

Quality Measures
 >Sample Size:
     > Data
     > Definitions
 >Coverage Rates:
     > Data
     > Definitions
 >Response Rates:
     > Data
     > Definitions
 >Item Allocation Rates:
     > Data
     > Definitions

ACS Group Quarters
  » 2006 GQ Data Products

  » ACS 2000 Errata (11/7/02)
  » ACS 2000 Errata (3/25/02)

User Notes
  » ACS 1999 Limitations
  » ACS 2000 Notices

Geography Explanation

Data Products Details

Using Data from the 2006 ACS [PDF]

ACS Summary File
  » Technical Documentation



American Community Survey User Note
2007 Modification Made in 2007 ACS Weighting Methodology for Orange County, CA

The review of the 2007 ACS tabulations revealed large discrepancies between the final 2007 ACS estimate of total population and the 2007 population estimates from the Population Estimates Program for a set of places in Orange County, CA. These same areas showed a similar pattern of differences in the 2005 and 2006 ACS estimates. An additional adjustment to the weights was introduced in the weighting for Orange County to remove the source of the discrepancy. The adjustment was aimed at forcing the weighted distribution of housing units in the ACS sample to match the distribution of housing units on our sampling frame. The weighting adjustment was applied at the census tract level. As a result, it has eliminated most of the large discrepancies originally found for places in Orange County. This modification was also made to the 2006 ACS weighting methodology.

2007 Modification Made in 2007 ACS Weighting Methodology for Orleans and St. Bernard Parishes, LA

The review of the 2007 operational data discovered evidence that suggests a high incidence of misclassification of uninhabitable units as vacant units. The effect of misclassification was almost entirely removed through a modification in the weighting methodology for Orleans and St. Bernard Parishes. The effect of the weighting adjustment was to down-weight units that had the vacancy status of "Other Vacant". This modification resulted in more consistent and accurate ACS estimates of the number of vacant units and "persons per household" in these two parishes. This modification was also made to the 2006 ACS weighting methodology.

2007 County Estimates of Group Quarters Population

The weighting for the group quarters population is controlled at the state level. For that reason, users should expect that the ACS estimate for the group quarters population to be consistent with the Population Estimates Program only at the state level. At the county level, the ACS estimate will typically be different from the Population Estimates Program due to sampling variability. Like estimates of total population, data users who require an estimate of the group quarters population at the county level should use the official estimates from the Population Estimates Program.

2007 Year-to-year Change in the ACS Group Quarters Population Estimates at the Sub-State Level

The weighting for the group quarters (GQ) population is controlled at the state level, but not at sub-state levels. For this reason, users may observe greater fluctuations in year-to-year ACS estimates of the GQ population at sub-state levels than at state levels. The causes of these fluctuations typically are the result of either GQs that have closed or where the current population of the GQ is significantly different than the expected population as reflected on the sampling frame. Substantial changes in the ACS GQ estimates can impact ACS estimates of total population characteristics for areas where either the GQ population is a substantial proportion of the total population or where the GQ population may have very different characteristics than the total population as a whole. Users can assess the impact that year-to-year changes in sub-state GQ total population estimates have on the changes in total ACS population estimates by accessing Table B26001 on American Fact Finder. Users should also use their local knowledge to help determine whether the year-to-year change in the ACS estimate represents a real change in the GQ population or may be the result of the lack of adequate population controls for sub-state areas.

2007 2007 ACS -- Race Reporting Among Hispanic Respondents in Abilene, TX MSA

In Abilene, TX, the Census Bureau has identified a large increase in the percent of Hispanics reporting their race as White Alone and a large decrease in the percent of Hispanics reporting their race as Some Other Race. This increase is likely the result of a problem in the data collection process and probably does not represent real change. Data users should use caution when interpreting the data for Hispanic respondents who reported their race as White or Some Other Race.

2006 Modification Made in 2006 ACS Weighting Methodology for Orange County, CA

The review of the 2006 ACS tabulations revealed large discrepancies between the final 2006 ACS estimate of total population and the 2006 intercensal population estimates for a set of places in Orange County, CA. These same areas showed a similar pattern of differences in the 2005 ACS tabulated estimates. An additional adjustment to the weights was introduced in the weighting for Orange County to remove the source of the discrepancy. The adjustment was aimed at forcing the weighted distribution of housing units in the ACS sample to match the distribution of housing units on our sampling frame. The weighting adjustment was applied at the census tract level. As a result, it has eliminated most of the large discrepancies originally found for places in Orange County.

2006 Modification Made in 2006 ACS Weighting Methodology for Orleans and St. Bernard Parishes, LA

The review of the 2006 operational data discovered evidence that suggests a high incidence of misclassification of uninhabitable units as vacant units. The effect of misclassification was almost entirely removed through a modification in the weighting methodology for Orleans and St. Bernard Parishes. The effect of the weighting adjustment was to down-weight units that had the vacancy status of "Other Vacant". This modification resulted in more consistent and accurate ACS estimates of the number of vacant units and "persons per household" in these two parishes.

2006 Modification Made in 2006 ACS Weighting Methodology-Family Equalization

As a result of our continuous effort to improve the quality of the estimates the 2006 weighting methodology was modified in order to ensure total consistency between the estimates of householders, households, and occupied housing units. This has not been the case prior to 2006. With this data release, the estimates of occupied housing units, households, and householders will all be equal. In addition, the modification also reduces the differences between estimates of spouses and married-couple households and between the estimates of unmarried partners and unmarried-partner households. See the Changes to the Estimation (pdf) for detailed information regarding which tables are most affected and the impact on the estimates had this methodology been applied in 2005.

2006 Sub-state Estimates of Group Quarters Population

The weighting for the group quarters population is controlled at the state level. For that reason, users should expect that the ACS estimate for the group quarters population to be consistent with the Population Estimates Program only at the state level. For sub-state areas, the ACS estimate will typically be different from the Population Estimates Program due to sampling variability. Like estimates of total population, data users who require an estimate of the group quarters population at the county level should use the official estimates from the Population Estimates Program.

2005 Special Note to ACS Data Users - 2005

Here is how we determine which sub-state geographic areas meet the ACS population threshold of 65,000 for publishing estimates for that area: Wherever possible, we use the most current estimate of the total resident population from official Census Bureau Population Estimates Program (PEP). This number includes both household and group quarters population. PEP provides this estimate for counties, incorporated places, and sub-county areas (e.g. townships), which have a functioning government. If the PEP estimate for any of these areas is 65,000 or more, then we publish ACS data products for that area. However, since the ACS sample is still a sample of the housing unit population, the ACS estimates will often be lower than the PEP estimates. In some cases, the ACS estimate of total (housing unit) population will be less than 65,000. This is an indication that the total resident population for that geographic area is over 65,000 (although probably very close to 65,000). There are 52 geographic areas where this occurs, and they are shown in the table below.

GEOIDArea Name
05000US06033 Lake County, California
05000US17001 Adams County, Illinois
05000US20103 Leavenworth County, Kansas
05000US21047 Christian County, Kentucky
05000US22087 St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana
05000US26073 Isabella County, Michigan
05000US36113 Warren County, New York
05000US38035 Grand Forks County, North Dakota
05000US39101 Marion County, Ohio
05000US40119 Payne County, Oklahoma
05000US47141 Putnam County, Tennessee
05000US48021 Bastrop County, Texas
05000US48099 Coryell County, Texas
05000US51019 Bedford County, Virginia
05000US51680 Lynchburg city, Virginia
05000US55097 Portage County, Wisconsin
05000US72005 Aguadilla Municipio, Puerto Rico
06000US1703124595 Evanston township, Cook County, Illinois
06000US1709703220 Avon township, Lake County, Illinois
06000US1711306639 Bloomington City township, McLean County, Illinois
06000US1803511296 Center township, Delaware County, Indiana
06000US1814158734 Penn township, St. Joseph County, Indiana
06000US1816340212 Knight township, Vanderburgh County, Indiana
06000US2501724925 Framingham town, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
06000US2607742160 Kalamazoo city, Kalamazoo County, Michigan
06000US2612565440 Pontiac city, Oakland County, Michigan
06000US3401319390 East Orange city, Essex County, New Jersey
06000US3401774630 Union City city, Hudson County, New Jersey
06000US3402545990 Middletown township, Monmouth County, New Jersey
06000US5513384250 Waukesha city, Waukesha County, Wisconsin
16000US0404720 Avondale city, Arizona
16000US0523290 Fayetteville city, Arkansas
16000US0624638 Folsom city, California
16000US0660018 Redondo Beach city, California
16000US1077580 Wilmington city, Delaware
16000US1207875 Boynton Beach city, Florida
16000US1706613 Bloomington city, Illinois
16000US1724582 Evanston city, Illinois
16000US1805860 Bloomington city, Indiana
16000US1851876 Muncie city, Indiana
16000US2642160 Kalamazoo city, Michigan
16000US2665440 Pontiac city, Michigan
16000US2756896 St. Cloud city, Minnesota
16000US3419390 East Orange city, New Jersey
16000US3474630 Union City city, New Jersey
16000US3563460 Rio Rancho city, New Mexico
16000US3728080 Greenville city, North Carolina
16000US4806128 Baytown city, Texas
16000US4810912 Bryan city, Texas
16000US4848804 Missouri City city, Texas
16000US5147672 Lynchburg city, Virginia
16000US5584250 Waukesha city, Wisconsin

Data Release Rules

Even with the population size thresholds described earlier, in certain geographic areas some very detailed tables might include estimates whose reliability is unacceptable. Data release rules, based on the statistical reliability of the survey estimates, will be used starting with the 2005 ACS data released in the summer of 2006. These release rules apply only to the single-year and three-year data products.

The main data release rule for the ACS tables works as follows. Every base table consists of a series of estimates. If more than half the estimates are not statistically different from 0 (at a 90 percent confidence level), then the table fails. Each estimate is subject to sampling variability that can be summarized by its standard error. Dividing the standard error by the estimate yields the coefficient of variation (CV) for each of the estimates. (If the estimate is 0, a CV of 100 percent is assigned.) To implement this requirement for each table at a given geographic area, CVs are calculated for each of the table's estimates, and the median CV value is determined. If 13-11 the median CV value for the table is less than or equal to 61 percent, the table passes for that geographic area; if it is greater than 61 percent, the table fails. Tables that are too sparse will fail this test. In that case, the table will not be published for that geographic area. Whenever a table fails, a simpler table that collapses some of the detailed lines together can be substituted for the original, more detailed table. The data release rules are then applied to the simpler table. If it passes, the simpler table is released. If it fails, none of the estimates for that particular table is released for this geographic area. These release rules are applied to single-year period estimates and multi-year period estimates based on three years of sample data. No data release rules are applied to the estimates based on five years of sample data.

For more information go to the Design and Methodology document, the link to it is

Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  American Community Survey Office  |  Page Last Modified: September 15, 2008