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Outreach Efforts on Violence Against Women

Office of International Women's Issues
Washington, DC
October 1, 2008

Andrea Bottner, Director, Office of International Womens Issues, far left, listens intently during her visit to Mexico to learn more about violence against women.  State Dept image.Director Denounces Gender-Based Violence and Recognizes Mexico’s International Women of Courage 

Andrea G. Bottner, Director of the Office of International Women’s Issues, visited Mexico City and Ciudad Juarez to raise awareness about violence against women and learn of efforts in Mexico that address this important human rights issue. While Ms. Bottner denounced violence against women and expressed concern over unresolved murder cases and disappearances of women in Mexico, she commended Mexico’s recent legal reforms created with the intent to improve access to justice, increase transparency within the country’s justice system, and to eradicate violence and discrimination against women.  Full Text

Secretary Rice speaks at the United Nations in New York on June 19, 2008.  UN Image.Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Speaks Out on Sexual Violence As An Instrument of Warfare

On June 19, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice addressed the UN Security Council on the issue of sexual violence as an instrument of warfare.  Full Text

Senior Coordinator Andrea Bottner, left, holds a commerative item with Vietnamese official in June 2008.  State Department image.Highlighting Gender-Based Violence Prevention Efforts in Vietnam

During her visit to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in June 2008, Andrea Bottner, Director, Office of International Women’s Issues, highlighted progress made and discussed ongoing challenges related to the prevention of and response to domestic violence in Vietnam. 

In meetings with Government of Vietnam officials, the Vietnam Women’s Union, as well as local and international non-governmental organizations and media, Ms. Bottner praised the passage of two pieces of positive legislation impacting women, the 2006 Law on Gender Equality and the 2007 Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence, which will be validated in July 2008.  More  | Media Note

Child with anti-human trafficking poster.  AP ImageDirector Andrea Bottner Delivers Remarks on Human Trafficking
May 2, 2008

"Through forums like this, we continue our dialogue, and more importantly, we continue to identify ways we can further support our shared vision of an America, and a world, where the inherent dignity and worth of every human life is fully realized and human trafficking no longer exists."  Full Text 

Embassy Warsaw Discusses Violence Against Women Issues With U.S. Experts
Digital Video Conference
December 13, 2007

On December 13, 2007, Andrea Bottner, Director for International Women's Issues participated in a Digital Video Conference arranged by U.S. Embassy in Warsaw with representatives from Polish governmental ministries and non-governmental organizations. Titled “Combating Violence Against Women: Continuing Challenges”, the program discussed victims' assistance centers, legal protection for victims, and prosecution rates of perpetrators. Director Bottner was joined by Mary Beth Buchanan, Acting Director of the Office of Violence Against Women at the US Department of Justice, and Karen Cunningham, Director of Legal Services of WEAVE (Women Empowered against Violence) who discussed the challenges of providing support to victims and increase public awareness of this program.

The representative from the Polish Ministry of Justice invited Andrea Bottner to discuss victims' assistance and rights at a February conference to be held in Warsaw.

Recognizing Violence Against Women: 16 Days for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
(November 25 - December 10, 2007)

The dates, November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women and December 10, International Human Rights Day, were chosen in order to symbolically link violence against women and human rights and to emphasize that such violence is a violation of human rights.

Secretary Rice recently urged embassies to recognize the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and to participate in the 16 days of activism by engaging host country governments, civil society and media in the prevention of violence against women. The Office of the Senior Coordinator for International Women's Issues (G/IWI) is working with embassies around the world to offer support, guidance, and appropriate engagement on strategies to raise awareness about gender based violence.

For example, in Budapest, Hungary, the Office of International Women's Issues is supporting activities to raise awareness about violence against women during the 16 days of activism led by Ambassador April Foley. Andrea Bottner, Director of the Office of International Women's Issues, will deliver remarks and facilitate a roundtable discussion on Domestic Violence in Budapest, Hungary on Tuesday, November 27th, followed by a visit to a domestic violence shelter later in the week. She will also address NGO leaders, law enforcement, students and others at a domestic violence conference hosted by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor. While there, she will also address a conference of the International Centre for Democratic Transition (ICDT) on Women's Role in Social Transformation. Additionally, Ms. Bottner will participate in a Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty interview to discuss the causes and social costs of domestic violence, and the measures to combat it.

Violence against women (VAW) exists in epidemic proportions, whether it occurs in the form of domestic abuse; honor-related crimes; sex trafficking; harmful cultural practices; or in the context of war and conflict. This violence has devastating repercussions affecting women's personal health, the family, and the community. Women must be free from this threat in order to fully enjoy their rights and to effectively participate in society.

Eliminating violence against women has long been a goal of the United States and requires a multifaceted strategy that incorporates a variety of legal, educational, health, and infrastructural reforms.

[See what U.S. Embassies & Posts have done: Chile]

Liz Claiborne Foundation's Time to Talk Day
New York City
September 25, 2007

Senior Coordinator Andi Bottner conducting radio interviews at Liz Claiborne Foundations Andrea Bottner, Director, Office of International Women's Issues, participated in a "radio row" event on domestic violence entitled, It's Time to Talk Day. Sponsored by the Liz Claiborne foundation in New York City, several national talk radio show hosts gathered at the Liz Claiborne headquarters to interview experts on efforts to combat violence against women. Ms. Bottner discussed the Administration's programs to combat gender based violence in Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan and Bolivia and explained assistance to victims, training and technical support for law enforcement officials, programs for women's empowerment and girls' education. [more]

Violence Against Women
La Paz, Bolivia
May 6-9, 2007

Senior Coordinator Andrea Bottner traveled to La Paz, Bolivia where she led a panel discussion on violence against women, along side: Dr. Rosario Cortez, a health professional from the NGO CIES; MovemDirector Andrea Bottner traveled to La Paz, Bolivia where she led a panel discussion on violence against women, along side: Dr. Rosario Cortez, a health professional from the NGO CIES; Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) Deputy, Elizabeth Salguero; Maria Elena Escobar, the Director of the Family Protection Brigade; and Liz Escobar, a lawyer with the NGO Cidem. There were also about 70 people in attendance. Bottner also met with Human Rights Ombudsman, Waldo Albarracin;Vice Minister of Justice, Maruja Machaca; Podemos Vice-Presidential Candidate(2005) and Bolivian Journalist, Maria Duchen; MAS Deputy Elizabeth Salguero and NGO representatives at Congress; Gregoria Apaza, a women's empowerment NGO; as well as visited the Family Protection Brigade Headquarters during her visit.



Released on October 1, 2008

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