_Ui E001257 _Template Article _Project Regional Medical Programs _Contribut National Archives _Scandate / / _Quality Fair _Indexdate 09/29/92 _Doctype articles excerpts congressional records photocopies testimonies _Docdate 06/28/1965 _Pages 21 _Title Public Health Service Act - Amendment [excerpt from the Congressional Record] _Author _Authorpos _Authororg _Publisher [United States. Congress] _Mesh _Rmp Before October 1965 P.L. 89-239 (Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke Amendments of 1965; Title IX of the Public Health Service Act)/*lj Legislative Hearings _Docplace NA 1/8 _Pubplace [Washington, DC] _Pagination S14396-416 _Volume _Medlineui 0 _Journal Congressional Records _Annotation