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Mission Statement

OEP Staff

Explore with concave and convex lenses to discover how the shape of the lens affects what we see. Experiment with magnifiers and microscopes and discover the many scientific uses of each.

BNL Science Link: Coming soon

concave, convex, flat, light ray, magnify, refract, reflect
Lesson Objectives
1)     Use scientific skills: observation, comparison, and recording data.
2)     Discover that refract means to bend.
3)     Using lenses to refract light, observe that a concave lens makes objects look smaller while a convex lens makes objects look larger.
4)     Use a magnifying glass and microscope to observe that more detail can be seen when objects are under magnification.
  National Science Education Standards
Content Standard A- Science as Inquiry
  Content Standard B- Physical Science
  Content Standard E- Science and Technology
New York State Learning Standards
Math, Science, Technology Standards 1, 4


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Last Modified: June 16, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Sarah Maine