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Other Infomation

Mission Statement

OEP Staff

Working in engineering teams, students use magnetic materials, geometry, and their own creativity to design and construct a structure that must meet specific design criteria.

 BNL Science Link: Coming Soon

engineer, structural engineer, triangle, square, rectangle,
pentagon, hexagon, rhombus, octagon
Lesson Objectives
1)     Discover the role of a structural engineer.
2)     Test geometric shapes for strength and evaluate the best for use in their structure.
3)     Construct designs that meet the specified design criteria.
National Science Education Standards
Content Standard A- Science as Inquiry
  Content Standard E- Science and Technology

New York State Learning Standards
Math, Science, Technology Standards 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7

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Last Modified: June 16, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Sarah Maine