To offer a suggestion or report an error on the King County Biodiversity Report, please contact Jennifer Vanderhoof, ecologist.

Biodiversity of Wildlife - Animals and Plants - in King County, Washington State

Biodiversity in King County

This page will soon be the portal to biodiversity topics specific to King County. We are developing some very exciting content. Please check back regularly, as we are actively building this site.

King County Biodiversity Report 2008

What is biodiversity in King County and why is it important?

First of all, what is biodiversity? There are many definitions for biodiversity, and as you explore this web site, you can learn all about what biodiversity is.

Introducing the King County Biodiversity Report 2008!

What is the biodiversity of King County? Glad you asked. We are pleased to introduce the first compendium of biodiversity information about King County. Read the King County Biodiversity Report.

The Importance of Biodiversity

Why is biodiversity important? First of all, biodiversity supports such diverse activities as agriculture, horticulture, selective breeding, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, pulp and paper, water purification and waste treatment. Most recently, the value of biodiversity to climate moderation and ecosystem resilience is receiving much attention. We are only beginning to realize the ways in which biodiversity will impact and be impacted by climate change.

A few of the more studied values or benefits of biodiversity include:

  • Purification of air and water
  • Soil fertility
  • Food, fuel, and fiber
  • Stabilization and moderation of climate
  • Moderation of floods, droughts, temperature extremes, and forces of wind
  • Control of pests and disease
  • Genetic resources for crop varieties, animal breeds, medicines
  • Pollination of plants, including 95% of the world's crops

News - The Year of the Frog

2008 is the Year of the Frog. The main goal of this campaign is to generate public awareness and understanding of the amphibian extinction crisis. Learn all about amphibians, the perils they currently face, and the state of the frog. Hosted by Kermit. This globally coordinated public awareness campaign is being led by Amphibian Ark

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) also supports the Year of the Frog. See the USFWS web page on the Year of the Frog. Also check out this issue of their 49-page Endangered Species Bulletin (PDF), which features frogs from all over the U.S.

In other news - National Pollinator Week

And speaking of pollination, June 22 - 28, 2008, was National Pollinator Week. Check out the Pollinator Partnership, an external web source for pollinator information. Learn about why this is such an important topic. And this is a hugely important topic related to biodiversity.

By proclamation, Washington's Governor Christine Gregoire declared June 22-28, 2008 Pollinator Week in the State of Washington, signed February 11, 2008.

This particular Yard Talk episode on good bugs & bad bugs discusses native pollinators and how to attract them to your garden.

Get Involved!

How can you get involved in conserving biodiversity in the County? Our Get Involved page lists just a few ideas. If you know of more, let us know and we'll add them to the page!