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Where does light come from? How are shadows made? Students become scientists as they explore light and shadows through inquiry and literature. Students experiment as they create and manipulate shadows.

 BNL Science Link: Coming Soon

Light wave, shadow, morning, noon, afternoon, night
Lesson Objectives
1)     Demonstrate an understanding of what light is and identify several light sources.
2)     Demonstrate an understanding that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object. Blocking the light causes a shadow.
3)     Discover that shadows get larger when objects are closer to the light source.
National Science Education Standards
Content Standard A- Science as Inquiry
  Content Standard B- Physical Science
New York State Learning Standards
Math, Science, Technology Standards 1, 4
  English Language Arts Standards 1, 3, 4

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Last Modified: June 16, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Sarah Maine