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Mission Statement

OEP Staff

Students will explore the refraction property of light as they use diffraction gratings, the same tool inside scientific spectroscopes, to view different light sources. Through observation and experimentation students will discover that each element produces a unique spectrum. They will develop an understanding of how scientists use light waves to identify elements.

 BNL Science Link: Coming Soon

electromagnetic spectrum, visible spectrum, prism, refract, reflect, incandescent, fluorescent, diffraction grating
Lesson Objectives
1)     Demonstrate an understanding of the properties of light; particularly that white light can be separated into a visible spectrum.
2)     Observe that different colors of light have different wavelengths.
3)     Use spectroscopes to view the unique spectrums of different elements.
National Science Education Standards
Content Standard A- Science as Inquiry
  Content Standard B- Physical Science
  Content Standard D- Earth and Space Science
New York State Learning Standards
Math, Science, Technology Standards 1, 4

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Last Modified: June 16, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Sarah Maine