NIOSH Mining Software

AMSS - Analysis of Multiple Seam Stability

Version: 1.0.54  (02-11-2008)

See also: NIOSH mining products
Type: Analysis Software
Version: 1.0.54  (02-11-2008)
Operating System: Windows® (all versions)
Audience: Mine operators
Installation Notes: The download file is a self-extracting executable which will automatically run a setup program.
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19.67 MB

Multiple seam interactions are a major ground control hazard in many US underground coal mines. The two most common types of interactions are:

  • Undermining, where stress concentrations caused by previous full extraction in an overlying seam is the primary concern, and;
  • Overmining, where previous full extraction in an underlying seam can result in stress concentrations and rock damage from subsidence.

AMSS helps identify the location and likely severity of these interactions. Mine planners can use this information to adjust the roof support, pillar design, or mine layout to minimize the hazard.

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Page last updated: October 1, 2008
Page last reviewed: June 30, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division