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NIOSH Safety and Health Topic:

Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance (ABLES: State-Based Programs—New Mexico

Ables Home - Other States

State Contact

Heidi Krapfl
New Mexico Department of Health
Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
Environmental Health Epidemiology Bureau
1190 St. Francis Dr., Suite N-1320
Santa Fe, NM   87502-6110

Telephone:  (505)476-3577
Fax: (505) 827-0013

Kelly Gallagher
Same address

Telephone:  (505) 476-3565

Available Publications

The following publications can be requested from the State Contact listed above.

  • New Federal Legislation Impacts New Mexico (fact sheet)
  • Adult Lead Poisoning
    • Contractor brochure (in development)
    • Medical Provider brochure (in development)
  • Childhood Lead Poisoning (Available in both English and Spanish)
    • Blood lead levels: what do they mean? (fact sheet)
    • How do I prevent childhood lead poisoning (fact sheet)
    • Lead safe kids coloring book
    • Prevent childhood lead poisoning (brochure)
    • Protect your child from lead poisoning with good nutrition (brochure)
  • Articles
    • 1995 Blood lead levels and prevalence rates for children in New Mexico and the Navajo Nation
    • Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding childhood lead poisoning in New Mexico: a summary (1995)

New Mexico State Outline


Page last updated: January 8, 2009
Page last reviewed: January 8, 2009
Content Source: Division of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations & Field Studies (DSHEFS)