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Colonial Settlement, 1600s-1763
Virginia's Early Relations with Native Americans

George Thorpe and John Pory to Sir Edwin Sandys, May 1621

George Thorpe was charged by the Virginia Company with establishing educational programs for the Indians around Jamestown. Compared to other colonists, his views toward Indians seem sympathetic and enlightened. He was a valuable correspondent of Company Treasurer Sir Edwin Sandys. How does Thorpe describe the majority of colonists' attitudes toward the Indians around Jamestown? How does he judge those attitudes?

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Hoble Sr

vnto whom although I owe verie much and am willinge to paie some thinge, yeat soe slender hath bine the haruest of or Labors, that I cann scarce finde out what to offer, insoemuch as I doute God is displeased wth vs that wee doe not as wee ought to doe, take his seruice a longe wth vs by or serious endeaueours of conuertinge the Heathen that Liue round aboute vs and are dayly conersant amongst vs & yet there is scarce any man amongest vs that doth soe much as affoorde them a good thought in his hart and most men wth theire mouthes giue them nothinge but maledictions and bitter execrations beinge therevnto falslye caried wth a violent mispswation (growen vppon them I knowe howe) that these poore people haue done vnto us all the wronge and iniurie that the malice of the Deuill or man cann affoord whereas in my poore vnderstandinge if there bee wronge on any side it is on ors who are not soe charitable to them as Christians ought to bee, they beinge (espetiallye the better sort of them) of a peaceable & vertuous disposition, only they are a litle crauinge and that in a niggardly fassion for they will comonly pte wth nothing they haue whatsoeuer is giuen them, they begin more and more to affect English ffassions and wilbe much alured to affect vs gifts if the company would bee pleased to send somethinge in matter of appaarell & househouldestufe to bee bestowed vppon them I meane the Kings I am pswaded it woulde make a good entrance into their affections they beinge as I thinke first to be dealt wth by the booke of the worlde as beinge nearest to theire sence, I thinke likewise that the company shal doe well to make some publick declaration of their intente and desier of the conuertion of this people and their wthall a testification of their loue and hartie affection towards them to bee sent hither and published thereby to molifie the minds of or people . . .

If you chance to heare mee ill spoken of by any that came from hence I praie you Judge charitablely till you bee better informed for I thanke god I haue the testimony of a good conscience that I haue done noe man wronge only I doe desier to bringe drounkennes & somme other sinns out of ffation & If I liue I doute not but I shall doe it.

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